Tinnitus start in middle of the night. The pain my head, neck and ears were horrible. Burning in ears and throat, constant pain in base of skull that radiated t ear and through cheek to side of nose. Sensitivity to all noise and light. Sweating, but only on left side. most of this has subsided, except for pain and screaming noise, 3 and 4 sounds bilaterally. My ears literally fell like they are being pulled when noise is at worst!

I have had 4 neurologists, 2 neurosurgeons, 6 ENTs, 5 pain management, acupuncture, message therapy, botox , and many other cervical injections and vascular testing. Had surgery for Eagles Syndrome. No help at all.. I am currently taking Ativan to sleep. It is impossible to get any sleep without it.
Have been told all started after a car accident with side to side whiplash. physical therapist in area won't take me. If I cry, from frustration, I'm a faker or "frail", I am so sick of this. Hoping to find some help here!
This wasn't even addressed for 6 months, so neurologist said too late, is permanent. I can feel my muscles tighten. I can't push, pull, lift, or drive without pain and numbness in face, shoulder and tinnitus gets so bad, I just can't do this. Not one, not one doctor really cared! To them, if they can't see it, well how bad could it be?? Have stopped going to all of them.
Is there anyone here that has similar symptoms, with sudden onset of bilateral tinnitus and pain? I would appreciate any help or a place to go to for help.. Thanks Cathln