Recent content by ccpjc

  1. C

    Tinnitus Caused by MRI

    Life continues to throw punches, and I just do not know how to handle them. How I wish I could rewind time. My youngest is currently being evaluated for ADHD. My wife has a blood disorder that requires additional aggressive treatments. And my eldest is being investigated for Tourette’s. This...
  2. C

    Introducing Tinnitus Quest

    I’ve started donating. I hope my contributions help.
  3. C

    Earplugs and Suctioning Incidents: Thoughts and Alternatives?

    I just experienced a similar incident. I removed my silicone earplugs, which have a central vent, but for some reason, they still created suction on my ear that suffered acoustic trauma just a month ago. I’ve read that this kind of suction can reach over 100 dB and may even damage the eardrum...
  4. C

    Tinnitus Caused by MRI

    I’m pretty sure I’m one of the unluckiest people you’ll ever meet. Today, I went to Walmart and put in my earplugs. When I removed the right earplug, it created suction, and now my ear feels full and slightly painful. Of course, it had to be my right ear—the one with acoustic trauma. Just last...
  5. C

    New Sleeping/Insomnia Medicine: Dayvigo (Lemborexant) — Here's My Experience

    Is anyone still using Dayvigo? I recently got a prescription for it, but I'm cautious about taking it due to concerns that it might spike my tinnitus. I suspect Melatonin spikes my tinnitus as well, though I'm not entirely sure yet.
  6. C

    Tinnitus Caused by MRI

    Well, life just keeps throwing curveballs. Now I have tinnitus in my left ear. This is Tinnitus 3. I assume it was caused by using the TinnitusPlay app to try and find my tone. I did not even follow the app instructions to use 50 percent volume. I kept it very low. I used the app hoping for...
  7. C

    Tinnitus Caused by MRI

    Another day, and the sounds persist. I say "sounds" in the plural now because I have discovered that I now have two types of tinnitus. Tinnitus 1: This was caused by the MRI and then a loud noise exposure. It is contained to my right ear and seems to be a constant sound, but I cannot match it...
  8. C

    Tinnitus Caused by MRI

    This past Wednesday marked four weeks since my acoustic trauma, and today marks one month. Today has been difficult, with the tinnitus as loud as ever. I feel hopeless about the possibility of recovery or even achieving habituation, especially because of the somatic and reactive nature of my...
  9. C


    Unfortunately, when I took a combination of NAC, Taurine, and Advil last week, something changed in my head. It triggered somatic and reactive tinnitus. Sounds that used to comfort me now spike my tinnitus, making life feel like a new kind of hell—one that I’m learning can actually get worse...
  10. C


    Unfortunately, I don't live in a country where I can get to those services without a referral, so I'm left with my family doctor. However, she is more open to things lately but still is cautious, which I can appreciate. I'm hoping the NAC hasn't caused damage, as I've read other people...
  11. C


    I asked my doctor to consider prescribing clonazepam, as I’ve read that it can help some people. However, she’s hesitant due to the nature of that class of drugs. I do have a prescription for Ativan, but it doesn’t seem to help with my tinnitus. I also have a prescription for Zoloft sitting in...
  12. C

    Tinnitus Caused by MRI

    I was taking Amoxicillin, and yes, I was on it during the MRI. Thank you. That day was bliss. However, I'm feeling pretty down right now. After my recent noise exposure and taking NAC two days ago, I'm struggling to see any hope for improvement.
  13. C


    Unfortunately, my life has taken another downturn. On Tuesday, I was exposed to a very loud noise I wasn’t prepared for, which caused a relapse of my symptoms. In response, I took NAC that same day to help with the inflammation. Sadly, the NAC has made things even worse. Now, I’m experiencing...
  14. C

    Tinnitus Caused by MRI

    Yesterday, my tinnitus was quiet, and my somatic and reactive symptoms were also low—it was incredible. Unfortunately, that changed when my 5-year-old let out a high-pitched laugh or scream. I felt my ear react to the sharp sound, and the ringing returned quickly afterward. It must have been...
  15. C

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    I’m going to assume this is due to the less-than-ideal results of Lenire.