Recent content by christophe

  1. C

    3 Years and Still Alive

    Thank you it is always pleasant and comforting to hear people who are better christophe
  2. C

    Petition (Closed): We Need a Cure for Tinnitus

    signed bonne chance a tous christophe france
  3. C

    What Is This Section About?

    still a good initiative bravo et merci good-evening in paris christophe
  4. C

    AM-101 TACTT1 Results Released

    marius I know the name imerta center. paris they have a partnership with auris No waiting and phone for an appointment christophe greetings
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    AM-101 TACTT1 Results Released

    Réponse d'un MARIUS in english versez + d informations il ya non armoire spécialisé sur Paris nir polo traine, VOICI l Adresse docteur MARTINE OHRESSER 10 rue Falguière 75015 PARIS TEL il travaille Il available in collaboration with la societe AURIS verser le critère de l am 101...
  6. C

    From Darkness to Light, How I Recovered from Tinnitus & Hyperacusis

    I just read your message is hopeful. thank you after how long your condition has improved? I have been fighting for 2 years without too many results greetings excuse me for the translation I used google
  7. C

    I thank all those who put messages of hope is comforting

    I thank all those who put messages of hope is comforting
  8. C

    y a t il un francais sur le site merci

    y a t il un francais sur le site merci
  9. C

    4 weeks after blast injury, tinnitus still remains

    bonjour j ai lu votre message il est plein d espoir merci christophe
  10. C

    Joining the crew

    bonsoir a tous acouphenique depuis 2012 j ai essaye de nombreuses thérapies sans effet pour l instant acupuncture. ostéopathe. magnétiseur homéopathie. les AD me font certainement du bien mais pour le moral il y a des hauts et des bas je pense ne pas être le seul dans ce cas j ai commence...