Recent content by Cloudious

  1. C

    Maybe I've Had Hyperacusis This Whole Time?

    Thanks for the insight! When it comes to Magnesium, is there a specific type that may be more beneficial for recovery? I've heard that Magnesium glycinate is good for ear-related issues, so I was wondering if it might help with this particular issue.
  2. C

    Maybe I've Had Hyperacusis This Whole Time?

    Hello everyone! After experiencing acoustic trauma from a concert over three months ago, I've been dealing with various symptoms. I wasn't sure exactly what to call it, but it might be a mild form of hyperacusis. Here are my current symptoms: Slight burning in my ears, sometimes triggered by...
  3. C

    2024 US Presidential Election

    What do you want me to say? That protests are in fact legal and protected under the 1st Amendment? That Trump only cares about protests conducted by the "radical left" but turns a blind eye to right-leaning protests? That ultimately Trump's definition of "free speech" is whatever he likes and...
  4. C

    2024 US Presidential Election

    Something tells me you consider this legal.
  5. C

    Can Hidden Hearing Loss Symptoms Improve Over Time?

    I haven’t heard of Treble Health, but I’ll look them up. Let me know how your program goes.
  6. C

    2024 US Presidential Election

    The Champion of Free Speech everyone:
  7. C

    Can Hidden Hearing Loss Symptoms Improve Over Time?

    Interesting. Perhaps people who recover experience a gradual rebalancing of synapses over time, which reduces the loudness of background noise and other sounds. Or maybe the brain simply adapts to the changes in the ear and recalibrates its central processing.
  8. C

    Can Hidden Hearing Loss Symptoms Improve Over Time?

    I’m definitely going to give my ears as much rest as possible. I figure that, along with maintaining good sleep and a healthy diet, should support any recovery that occurs. On the topic of sound therapy, what has your experience been with it? I read that it can help desensitize the ears to...
  9. C

    Can Hidden Hearing Loss Symptoms Improve Over Time?

    @HighleyTall, hello! First off, I’m sorry to hear what you’re going through. I hope your condition improves in the near future. 🙏 Thinking about it, this might be a hyperacusis issue. I’ve noticed that even higher-frequency sounds on my phone seem louder than I remember. If that’s the case...
  10. C

    Can Hidden Hearing Loss Symptoms Improve Over Time?

    Thanks for the reply! Regarding tinnitus, I haven’t had an episode in nearly a week. The initial trauma triggered ringing for a day, but then it stopped, only reappearing for a few seconds every few days. As I’m typing this, the main issue that remains is the distorted hearing. I suppose...
  11. C

    Can Hidden Hearing Loss Symptoms Improve Over Time?

    Hi everyone! Just to give a brief rundown of my situation, I started experiencing hearing challenges after attending my first rock concert in November without earplugs. Since then, I have had difficulty hearing quieter sounds like footsteps, occasional ear pain, trouble understanding voices...
  12. C

    Frustrated with Myself After Acoustic Trauma: My Current Journey

    Thank you! This has been an emotional rollercoaster. For a while, I considered myself stupid and undeserving of anything good. But then I had to take a step back and remind myself not to be so hard on myself. If I had known the exact risks, I would have made sure to be prepared for the concert...
  13. C

    Frustrated with Myself After Acoustic Trauma: My Current Journey

    Hello! I hope everyone is doing well. I have been dealing with hearing issues for the past couple of months due to acoustic trauma, and I have been feeling pretty down about it, especially since it was entirely preventable. Back in November 2024, I went to my very first rock concert...