

I'm Daniel. I have tinnitus, but it doesn't bother me at all any more. I'm habituated, or past that.

The process was really quick for me, I almost feel a bit guilty that it happened for me while others have to suffer through this much longer.

While I only suffered for a short time, I went through the full cycle of tinnitus related issues rather deeply. Sometimes my safety was not guaranteed.

I still hear my noise, it's much quieter unless I've been working out or drinking. I don't noice the noise most of the time, it's really the same sensation as having clothes on.

My really bad times lasted just 1 month. That month of hell felt like 6. It has taken some time to recover from such a traumatic time but I'm really over it now.

I try to stick around and help people the way I was helped. I'm usually good at working with new sufferers, but I'm noticing less people in that complete early stage and more that are longer term sufferes and I have less advice for. There seemed to be an influx around new years.

There's also the fact that my suffering is less fresh in my mind, so the deep understanding I had to connect with these people is less than it was.

Member statistics

Mar 10, 1984 (Age: 41)
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Noise induced, repeated exposure with loud headphones.
Network Engineer




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