Recent content by daniel1111

  1. daniel1111

    Let's Give Everybody Tinnitus!

    Did you try suing in the invidividual? They should be liable for any damage done to you. That's why, as far as I'm aware, personal liability insurance is quite a big thing here for this very reason. ABN AMRO: What this insurance covers Liability insurance compensates in full the damage that...
  2. daniel1111


    Not related to Zoloft, but I tried Benzos for a little while which gave me rebound anxiety and depression (I had neither when starting Benzos) and during my taper off and 1-2 weeks after finishing, my T was much higher and more noticeable. Best to be off them though.
  3. daniel1111


    That's not how tinnitus works at all. The quietest T can still be extremely intrusive and ruin your life. Also, before I habituated, that quiet tinnitus always managed to creep up above the TV no matter which volume it was put on.
  4. daniel1111


    Stop that and it'll be even better ;)
  5. daniel1111

    Do We Have These Things in Common?

    No, but after tinnitus - yes.
  6. daniel1111

    Clobazam Works for Tinnitus??

    Benzos can make you less anxious about your tinnitus and therefore perceive it as quieter. The problem is that you may rely on this too much and build a tolerance to them, before you know it you're somewhat addicted. When you try to taper down/come off of them, you can have rebound anxiety and...
  7. daniel1111

    Ketamine Injection

    I've tried Ketamine, ok not for this purpose, but anyway it had no effect on it long term. While on Ketamine, and in the hours after it, tinnitus was there to an extreme level, but that seems common for dissociatives anyway. I don't think injecting it into the ear would be a good idea...
  8. daniel1111

    @Zora yes I do, the whistle doesn't seem to be a problem for me. i just looked up the spl of...

    @Zora yes I do, the whistle doesn't seem to be a problem for me. i just looked up the spl of those whistls and it seems like you'd need one going off right next to your ear for a full 30seconds+ to cause any damage. that just doesn't happen.
  9. daniel1111

    @Zora <ine's quite mild and always has been. I've been playing soccer (football!) TOO.

    @Zora <ine's quite mild and always has been. I've been playing soccer (football!) TOO.
  10. daniel1111

    Any More Positive Stories?

    I think I just managed to do all the right things. I worked out quite early on what was good, and sometimes that meant putting myself in difficution situations instead of hiding from them. I'm really happy to provide you releif, feel free to ask me anytime if you'd like to know anything else. I...
  11. daniel1111

    good luck with it, i'msure you can do it like i did!

    good luck with it, i'msure you can do it like i did!
  12. daniel1111

    Any More Positive Stories?

    As well as I've ever been able to. I've always been a bad sleeper, I have to go very late, and even then there's basically no chance of me sleeping before 1 hour in bed. T made that a lot worse, 3-5 hours until sleep or none at all. I'm back to where I was in that regard. The hardest thing for...
  13. daniel1111

    Any More Positive Stories?

    Sleeping was the WORST. I put my fan on which isn't a normal desk fan, it's quite big and LOUD. I slept right near it, but whichever ear was in the pillow was screaming. So I ALSO played white noise on my phone, and placed my head uncomfortably on the pilloy in such a way that only my head/half...
  14. daniel1111

    I've Had Enough. Seeing How I Feel at End of Day, Then Checking Out

    @jdjd09 I haven't been following your story as much as others. Of course I hope, and it's the ideal situation, is that you manage to get through this and somehow live a happy life in the end. I can't say what's honesty best for you. You, if you've sought all options, really should know that...
  15. daniel1111

    Poll: Do You Think Being Single and/or Childless Makes Tinnitus Worse for People?

    Yes, for sure. It's not because I thought I needed support, actually I'd feel bad putting that burden on someone else. but being single you can only think in the worst times that there's NO WAY you're going to be able to get into a meaninful relationship with these problems. It's not entirely...