Recent content by Darryl

  1. Darryl

    Notched Sound Therapy Seems to Be Helping Me. A Guide:

    In trying the notched sounds and music, I did notice that my T was worse after a day or two, then seemed to get better. I still have tinnitus, it has not gone away, but the notched sound therapy does seem to have helped me thus far per my post above. I would not listen to anything that is loud...
  2. Darryl

    Notched Sound Therapy Seems to Be Helping Me. A Guide:

    Update: Here is website (not mine, one I found on the internet) that lays out the steps to create your own notched songs, sounds, noise, etc. using the free, open source, Audacity software. It describes the process much better than I did in my posts above...
  3. Darryl

    Notched Sound Therapy Seems to Be Helping Me. A Guide:

    I am using a pair of in-the-ear, wired ear buds that are branded by Samsung. They came with a tablet I bought. They seem to be of good quality, but are nothing special. The in-the-ear earbuds work well for me because they have a good high frequency response and send most of that energy...
  4. Darryl

    Notched Sound Therapy Seems to Be Helping Me. A Guide:

    It is my understanding from reading on the web that Signia (the new name for Siemens?) offers hearing aids that can be programmed for notch sound therapy. I do not know what sounds they use or if they simply program a notch in the normal every day amplified audio stream. I believe they are...
  5. Darryl

    Notched Sound Therapy Seems to Be Helping Me. A Guide:

    I understand your dilemma. My hearing as I age is poor above 10kHz, so I almost have the same problem you have. Near 10kHz my tinnitus sounds more like a "ssssssss" than a pure tone. I can just barely match it using a tone generator. Nonetheless, notched songs and notched white noise at 10kHz...
  6. Darryl

    Notched Sound Therapy Seems to Be Helping Me. A Guide:

    I first read about notched music/sound therapy over the 2017 Christmas holidays (yeah, late to the party) and, given that the long nights of Winter are a bad time for my tinnitus, thought I would give notched sound therapy a try. I have been very pleased, and thankful, for the results thus far...