Recent content by dazraf

  1. dazraf

    Has Anyone Ever Valsalva'd Their ETD (or Related Conditions) Away?

    Guys, i do several ones a day, i even got the ear popper machine. You dont have to be violent with it.
  2. dazraf

    Tinnitus Changed After 6 Months

    Can you detail how you take the oil? morning/eve ? with/without food? 1 tea spoon?
  3. dazraf

    Black Seed Oil-Nigella Sativa

    So i've been drinking this for past 2-3 months, dont think it has had any effect. Might stop
  4. dazraf

    Has Anyone Ever Valsalva'd Their ETD (or Related Conditions) Away?

    But hasnt ? everyone is different. My audiologist said that doing it without excessive force should be fine
  5. dazraf

    Has Anyone Ever Valsalva'd Their ETD (or Related Conditions) Away?

    Can I ask how the ENT assessed you had ETD? My initial diagnosis was ETD but then Tympanometry recently seemed to be fine. But i have the symptoms. This is a good read
  6. dazraf

    After a Few Months Battle with Tinnitus I Can Say That It Is Almost Reduced Completely as of Today.

    Hello. Congrats on your acceptance and findings. And thanks for sharing. Can you detail how you take the vinegar. With food ? Without ? First thing in morning etc ?
  7. dazraf

    Trauma/Valsalva with Neti Pot

    Good to hear man. You can’t use tap water. That’s a big no no. Don’t ever use tap water again. Read up on it. You have to either boil or use steriled bottled water. I slight got waters into my tubes recently using the netipot and had ear blocking sensation/crackling noise. It tapered off in a...
  8. dazraf

    Acoustic CR® Neuromodulation: Do It Yourself Guide

    Hello. Thanks for the info. The video quoted doesn’t seem to work.
  9. dazraf

    Trauma/Valsalva with Neti Pot

    Did you use sterile water ? And not tap water? Because that can cause infection. You might have plugged up your Eustachian tubes. Hopefully it will drain and your condition will go back to normal. You could try really minor/subtle Valsalva manoeuvres to try get the air moving.
  10. dazraf

    Here Is How I Solved My Tinnitus — New Protocols and Supplements To Try

    I tried it once and i've got fullness in my ear and it feels like it's not popping properly, also crackling is more prominent ! Day two with the symptoms though so hopefully clears.
  11. dazraf

    Here Is How I Solved My Tinnitus — New Protocols and Supplements To Try

    Thanks for the detailed information but you haven't actually cured/solved your tinnitus. You say it returns after a few days and the only thing that is really helping #7 in your list. It looks like the rest could just be placebo effects?
  12. dazraf


    How long did you take Sudafed for? it says on the label not to take it more than 7 days as it increases congestion?
  13. dazraf

    Black Seed Oil-Nigella Sativa

    Did you guys take this before eating/drinking anything?
  14. dazraf

    Neti Pot Experiences

    People with ETD, I'm reading mixed stories about using a Neti Pot. How was your experience? Can you please supply more information if you answer the poll.
  15. dazraf

    Getting Conflicted Diagnosis from Different Doctors

    Thanks Arthur. Is there anything besides Tympanometry Test that shows signs of ETD ? Michael, it was listening to loud music. And as I mentioned. It was quite minor. Only increased post holiday.