Recent content by dean thom

  1. dean thom


    hi all, I realise magnesium comes in a number of different forms. Has anyone had any success with the hydroxide form for reducing their tinnitus symptoms? regards, dean
  2. dean thom

    Hello All. I'm from Sheffield, UK.

    hi steve, thanks for your message and welcome to's a great city. i came across this group you mentioned the other meets very occasionally/infrequently. they have limited places at each session but i phoned and attempted to book a place so hopefully that'll happen and i...
  3. dean thom

    Hello All. I'm from Sheffield, UK.

    hi Glynis, i'd just like to thank you personally for your welcome. it means a lot to me in these troubling, initial, early stages of my issues. i truly appreciate it. warmest regards to you. dean
  4. dean thom

    Hello All. I'm from Sheffield, UK.

    hi michael. i've found a couple of these links very beneficial. thank you very much for taking the time to reply to my opening post. i've learnt an awful lot about my tinnitus in the short time that i've had it including the highly unfortunate, and frightening experience of 'spikes'. how i wish...
  5. dean thom

    Hello All. I'm from Sheffield, UK.

    thank you for your replies and the links. they are appreciated. i've had an ENT appointment already. I've an MRI in a week. i have a further ENT appointment to talk about CBT/talking therapies/mindfullness etc. I'm prepared to be stoic and resolute in my relationship to my tinnitus.
  6. dean thom

    Hello All. I'm from Sheffield, UK.

    i'm new here. my name is dean. i live in the uk. i'm 49. i'm a musician; a rock guitarist. i have tinnitus-it started in late july. it was caused by exposure to loud music. it can sometimes be very loud, it can be frightening and i panic. i also have pains in both my ears - sharp ones and dull...