Recent content by DebS

  1. DebS

    Haven't Been Here Very Much But I Do Check In...

    Good to hear from you Kathi...I'm at about the same T time frame as you and am experiencing about the same almost-habituation. I had two days in a row of low T but today it's rather loud and annoying but I am not that bothered by it anymore. I feel I've come a long way from when it started and...
  2. DebS

    An Update... What Do You Think?

    I have T pretty much like you Paul, but I only have a couple of "good" days a week which I really appreciate. The other days I hear the T all the time, sometimes rather loud, sometimes medium. But it doesn't really bother me anymore except as an annoyance. I do everything I did before T so I...
  3. DebS

    Can Vitamin D Make Tinnitus Worse?

    This is interesting. I thought my T was caused by dental work, but I went on vitamin D (D-3 1000) about the same time. Last week, because of a medical procedure, I had to stop all meds including vitamins for 5 days before the procedure. My T has been quite a bit lower this week and I'm wondering...
  4. DebS

    Nausea and Vomiting Since Tinnitus Onset Normal?

    I also lost weight and felt dizzy for the first couple of months...mostly from anxiety I think. I still have T but it doesn't keep me from eating anymore.
  5. DebS

    Church Worship and Tinnitus

    I'm in our church choir which I love and also in a bell choir which was very hard when my T first started. I wore earplugs for a couple of months then slowly stopped wearing them, and it doesn't bother me too much anymore. Sometimes my T is worse on Mondays and Thursdays (the day after...
  6. DebS

    Very Frightening — In a Vicious Circle of Anxiety and Tinnitus

    That's perfectly natural to feel down...I feel a little down today too even tho my T isn't particularly bad at the moment. The best thing to do is distract yourself. Go for a walk, go shopping, call a friend and meet them for lunch, start a home project, watch a movie...anything where you're not...
  7. DebS

    Am Ignoring This Advice. Food & Drink.

    I tried abstaining from a lot of the foods you mentioned and it didn't affect my T one bit. I did lose 10 pounds tho! :)
  8. DebS

    This Is How I Feel. Support Is Appreciated.

    Alex, all I can say is that it was a gradual process. At first I was masking the sound with music and white noise during the day, and a humidifier at night. Now I don't need any sounds. The T is always there but it is more like background noise now, sometimes loud, sometimes soft, but I really...
  9. DebS

    This Is How I Feel. Support Is Appreciated.

    It will get better. I'm about exactly a year further along than you, and at the 4 month stage I was still very sorry for myself and feeling my life was over. I cried, prayed, complained to anyone who would listen, and dreaded waking up each morning to that screeching sound. I tried all sorts of...
  10. DebS

    Any Tips on How to Get a Better Sleep...

    I'm not an advocate of sleeping pills, but when I've gone a few nights without much sleep, I sometimes resort to taking CVS brand Nighttime Sleep-Aid and I do get a good night's sleep. I limit myself to taking them no more than once a week as I don't want to get dependent on sleeping pills.
  11. DebS

    How Much Does Your Tinnitus Vary on a Day to Day Basis?

    Mine fluctuates from day to day and I can see no reason. I can have a good night's sleep and have loud T or just the opposite. And I've had days with low T even after little sleep. Wish I could figure it out, but at least I've gotten to the point where even the loud T doesn't bother me that much...
  12. DebS

    Scared and Confused

    Sorry you are having such a tough time. I used to cry just about every day too and sometimes wished i would just die in my sleep. My niece who is a psychiatric nurse urged me to go on Zoloft which she takes herself. I kept delaying tho, thinking maybe the T would go away. Well the T never went...
  13. DebS

    Reaction to Pneumonia Vaccine?

    I had the pneumonia vaccine a couple of months ago and it didn't affect my T in any way. Hope your new sound goes away!
  14. DebS

    Does It Matter How Loud It Is?

    I've had T about as long as you and I'm aware of the T much of the time, but like you it doesn't impact my life as much as it used to. On good days I do feel more positive and hopeful, but on bad days it creates more a feeling of annoyance than panic like I used to get. I've come to think of my...
  15. DebS

    Chronic Pain + Tinnitus = No Peace. I Can't Do It Anymore

    Praying for you Sideways.