Recent content by Deep

  1. Deep

    Doing Nothing Worked for Me

    So true.
  2. Deep

    Medications Used for Tinnitus

    Going through a very quite time myself at the moment, yes very strange.
  3. Deep

    Ketamine Relieves Depression by Restoring Brain Connections

    I wouldn't play around with it. Long term can lead to kidney damage and mentally I am not sure. Sounds kind of wreckless but everyone is different, for some in moderation safe - for others not. I believe it is used for open heart surgery!
  4. Deep

    Ketamine Relieves Depression by Restoring Brain Connections

    Recently my hyperacusis got bad again and my tinnitus was flaring - I was kinda desperate for relief. About 4 days ago I took 5 doses ketamine (30mg every 30 mins). Once again ketamine performed its strange wonders on me. When on the ketamine there is almost no change, I may even perceive the...
  5. Deep

    Popping ear when laying on side?

  6. Deep

    Which battles do you fight?

    I understand how you feel. It's very easy to write on a forum like I am doing now, be all positive and act like you're amazing at dealing with T... but trust me I go through all the ups and downs like everyone else. By writing on this forum I realize the steps I take in life to stay positive...
  7. Deep

    Popping ear when laying on side?

    That's possibly the sound of your Eustachian tube trying to drain. You been swimming recently? My ear has been popping for a week every-time I breath through the nose or move my jaw. I think this was due to a lot of pressure that had built up. Anyway its pretty much gone now. I've been drinking...
  8. Deep

    Clinical Investigation on the Beneficial Effects of the Chinese Medicinal Herb Gushen Pian

    Buy "Gushen Pian" does it mean "Kang Gu Zeng Sheng Pian"
  9. Deep

    Meclizine (Postafen, Bonine) Helped a Guy to Cure Tinnitus

    I reckon it had something to do with the altitude from travel.
  10. Deep

    Effect of Nurofen Plus (ibuprofen + codeine) on Tinnitus Suppression?

    how does Doxylamine suppress T for you, give you relief / quite ringing / no ringing?
  11. Deep

    Free of Tinnitus. Or Winning the Lottery?

  12. Deep

    Effect of Nurofen Plus (ibuprofen + codeine) on Tinnitus Suppression?

    I find when I sleep 9+ hours my T is louder than when I sleep 8. As for Nurofen I am not sure, maybe I'll pop one soon as tell you if I notice anything different.
  13. Deep

    Ketamine Relieves Depression by Restoring Brain Connections

    30mg should be suitable per dose so I can still function!
  14. Deep

    Ketamine Relieves Depression by Restoring Brain Connections

    No problem. I appreciate no one is telling me to do this and I know that Kitamine is a class C drug in the UK, no-one on the forum has forced me to do this, let me make that clear. I have decided to conduct a proper experiment. Well a proper experiment needs to be spread between many people, BUT...