Recent content by DeepS

  1. D

    If I Stop Using Cotton Buds, and My Ear Canal Skin Heals, Will the Tinnitus Stop?

    Hi, thanks for your reply. I don't recall anything out of the ordinary happening prior to this and as for medication, I am not taking any for anything. Also, when he looked inside my ear he showed me the blood vessels which were irritated in both ears so I think I may have damaged these by...
  2. D

    If I Stop Using Cotton Buds, and My Ear Canal Skin Heals, Will the Tinnitus Stop?

    Hi all, new to the forum and just wanted to share my experience with my first bout of tinnitus. It started in November last year. I get a humming sound in my left ear which I can only hear in a quiet setting. I visited an audiologist a couple of weeks ago as I've never suffered with this...