Recent content by delta784

  1. delta784

    Reactive Morse Code Tinnitus and Sound Sensitivity: My Experience and Questions

    The same medication caused the same issue for me and ruined my life. I have nonstop Morse code tinnitus, along with Morse code beeps layered over sounds (dysacusis). I also struggle with OCD and severe health anxiety.
  2. delta784

    My Experience with Prednisolone & Betahistine for Tinnitus

    If he can wear headphones and play Counter-Strike, then his condition is extremely mild.
  3. delta784

    what caused it do

    what caused it do
  4. delta784

    You got nox from clonazepam? or any other damage megatron

    You got nox from clonazepam? or any other damage megatron
  5. delta784

    Debilitating Tinnitus from Benzo (Clonazepam) Taper

    @erthwyrm, how are you now?
  6. delta784

    Tinnitus Caused by MRI

    I’m at five months, and my right ear has worsened again.
  7. delta784

    how are you bro please text

    how are you bro please text
  8. delta784

    hey kdmg do you have tinnitus alongside with nox h? and do you have visual snow thx

    hey kdmg do you have tinnitus alongside with nox h? and do you have visual snow thx
  9. delta784

    It Gets Better — I No Longer Obsess Over or Notice My Tinnitus Most of the Time

    Was your tinnitus/hyperacusis noise or medicine induced?
  10. delta784

    Cilcare's CIL001 Targets Cochlear Synaptopathy — An American/French Collaboration

    Tinnitus and hyperacusis do not always originate from the ears. The thalamus is also involved, for your information.
  11. delta784

    In Loving Memory of Brian Jordan Pariente (Brian P)

    How long did you take benzos for?
  12. delta784

    clonazepam made it worse for you? how long you took mate and how old are you let me know. i have...

    clonazepam made it worse for you? how long you took mate and how old are you let me know. i have generalized panic disorder ocd.
  13. delta784

    Can you go outside?

    Can you go outside?
  14. delta784

    how old are you how long you take clonazepam?

    how old are you how long you take clonazepam?