Recent content by Densich9056

  1. D

    Feeling Really Scared — Stressed, Panicky, Nauseous

    Awe...ive been there..your anxiety is making everything overwhelming. Please find a good psychiatrist and have them give you Ativan. It helps with my tinnitus tremendously. I don't know what I'd do without it. It quiets the tinnitus and helps you ignore it. Please hang in does get...
  2. D

    New to Tinnitus and Distressed!

    We all understand. When I first got Tinnitus, I 1 as on the brink of suicide....but you do and will adjust. I researched everything, found paxil and ativan helped so much. The anxiety became as bad as the tinnitus. Ativan has helped tremendously. Find s good psychiatrist and get some. I took it...