Recent content by DesperatePartner

  1. DesperatePartner

    Fiancée Is Desperate: Tinnitus Caused — and Made Worse — by Propranolol, Looking for Guidance!

    Just an update... We got ourselves through the situation. My partner ramped up to 45 mg Mirtazapine and after a short period titrated down very slowly to ween off the medication. She is back to her old self and happy and never mentions her tinnitus (although I’m sure it is still there on a...
  2. DesperatePartner

    Fiancée Is Desperate: Tinnitus Caused — and Made Worse — by Propranolol, Looking for Guidance!

    Thank you for all your responses. Her tinnitus is fairly loud with multiple tones in both ears. It was looking, until this week, like the 45 mg Mirtazapine had started to reduce her anxiety, her mood was becoming better and she was getting out the house, walking our dog and genuinely getting...
  3. DesperatePartner

    Fiancée Is Desperate: Tinnitus Caused — and Made Worse — by Propranolol, Looking for Guidance!

    6 months have now passed. WE NEED HELP. My fiance is almost manic most of the time. She has been upped to 45 mg Mirtazapine but I can't see what difference this is making to her depression although her sleep is still ok now. She wakes up in a morning pleading with God (who she doesn't...
  4. DesperatePartner

    Fiancée Is Desperate: Tinnitus Caused — and Made Worse — by Propranolol, Looking for Guidance!

    Update: No improvement in either anxiety or tinnitus. Sleep is fine. She is still on Mirtazapine. Her anxiety is so out of control on a daily basis despite the daily 50 mg Pregabalin. She refuses most drugs and hates being on these at it is. She is constantly scared about her future and...
  5. DesperatePartner

    Fiancée Is Desperate: Tinnitus Caused — and Made Worse — by Propranolol, Looking for Guidance!

    In short, no. If anything, things have gotten worse. She is sleeping, due to the Mirtazapine 30 mg, which is a positive, but the only one. Other than this she has got much worse anxiety, stress levels and more negative thoughts. She also seems to get a lot more pressure build up than...
  6. DesperatePartner

    Fiancée Is Desperate: Tinnitus Caused — and Made Worse — by Propranolol, Looking for Guidance!

    Thank you for the replies. She took 2.5mg Diazepam, which was half a dose, after I persuaded her as she just couldn't see how she was being and the stressful effect it was having on her. This acted like a massive circuit breaker for her. She was calm (but empty) through the whole day, but it...
  7. DesperatePartner

    Fiancée Is Desperate: Tinnitus Caused — and Made Worse — by Propranolol, Looking for Guidance!

    Her anxiety and stress is through the roof and she cannot see it herself. She is constantly screaming, shouting and using myself and her parents as verbal punching bags, whilst also having negative thoughts. I'm hoping the 30 mg Mirtazapine can get into her system and help her quickly, but...
  8. DesperatePartner

    Fiancée Is Desperate: Tinnitus Caused — and Made Worse — by Propranolol, Looking for Guidance!

    Thanks, obviously a terrible year for everyone with what’s been going on but it’s been rough personally... She was on a very mild dose of Propranolol taken in the morning for a couple of weeks (in the first instance). And she was on it for a few days the second time round. She has taken 15 mg...
  9. DesperatePartner

    Fiancée Is Desperate: Tinnitus Caused — and Made Worse — by Propranolol, Looking for Guidance!

    Hello, I am new to Tinnitus Talk, and am a desperate partner looking to help my desperate fiancée. Back story follows. 5 years ago my fiancée's brother was going through a tough time and was suicidal. This led to my fiancée to become ridiculously anxious herself surrounding it all. She is not...