Recent content by dieslgrl

  1. dieslgrl

    For Those with Middle Ear Myoclonus...

    Where did everybody go? Did everyone suddenly get better? Geez I hope so!
  2. dieslgrl

    For Those with Middle Ear Myoclonus...

    Have you ever tried the Widex Tinnitus app? I really like the forest sounds as there are crackling noises that cover my clicks a tiny bit. I never found anything more consistent to mask it. I will try again based on your recommendations though! Thanks and best of luck!
  3. dieslgrl

    For Those with Middle Ear Myoclonus...

    Yes, I have to take them everyday for relief that night and the following day. They help but true, nobody should have to take them daily. I fear I'll lose my mind if I don't.
  4. dieslgrl

    For Those with Middle Ear Myoclonus...

    I'm not sure about your condition as compared to mine as I have a constant but intermittent clicking in my left ear. This has been going on for three months with only about two days of almost no clicks in that time. The only things I have tried are both meds you list here (except it's diazapem...
  5. dieslgrl

    Clonazepam for Palatal Myoclonus

    I'm currently taking diazapem for MEM. When following directions it does help. It almost went away entirely but then I cut my dose and it came right back. What a pain in the butt. I'm back to taking 4mg/day (@2mg x2) If you're going to try it, follow instructions exactly!
  6. dieslgrl

    Tinnitus and MEM Advice Please!

    I use the Widex tinnitus app for masking at night or during meditation. The clicking noise was so disruptive, I was streaming through my hearing aids during all quiet hours. There is a sound setting called forest wind or something like that that was the only thing I was able to listen to that...
  7. dieslgrl

    What Is It Like to Go Swimming? Is It Safe with ETD and Middle Ear Myoclonus (MEM)?

    I swim daily with MEM. I have found no changes for the better or worse since it started back in May. The only thing that has helped has been muscle relaxers. I think you may be overthinking on this a bit. Don't let this kind of thing stop you from living your life to the fullest!
  8. dieslgrl


    And this too... Shall pass...
  9. dieslgrl

    Middle Ear Myoclonus: A Treatable Cause of Objective Tinnitus

    Stumbled on this page after finding the medical term for what I'm experiencing and while this all is very unfortunate, it is nice to know I am not alone! First time posting here, tinnitus for many years coinciding hearing loss, but the objective tinnitus (MEM) has only been going on for two...