Recent content by dingaling

  1. dingaling

    Exposed to Both Train Horn and Office Burglar Alarm within 48 Hours — I'm a Ball of Anxiety

    You may already know this but being in a state of anxiety does 2 main things: a) it heightens the fight or flight response b) it lowers the intensity threshold that initiates the startle reflex
  2. dingaling

    My Turn for Your Support — Woke Up with Sudden Hearing Loss and Severe Vertigo

    Keep up the good work! If I may add, however, SSNHL is unusual and I've mainly seen it in young(er) people. It's not an "old people's thing" and can happen to anyone at any time
  3. dingaling

    My Turn for Your Support — Woke Up with Sudden Hearing Loss and Severe Vertigo

    Hello billie48 In my experience (in the UK), Meniere's doesn't usually cause total SSNHL. And the hearing usually fluctuates. Without knowing the specifics of your case, there might be a possibility of acute vestibular failure which usually resolves after around 12 weeks. I don't know the...
  4. dingaling

    I Don’t Know What to Do Anymore: I'm Now in a Psychiatric Hospital and Tinnitus Is Crushing Me

    Hi Vicki I have had a very long break from the forum and haven't read every post here, but I understand you work for the NHS, suffer from dehabilitating tinnitus, got sectioned and now you are back home? I too work for the NHS in a clinical role and I have both tinnitus and hyperacusis. I...
  5. dingaling

    Am I Developing Hyperacusis? Occasional Clicking, Sensitive Eardrum, Some Sounds Feel Uncomfortable

    Get some tests done to confirm/rule out ETD (Eustachian tube dysfunction) before we can give further advice. And try not to get too anxious about it as this increases sound sensitivity
  6. dingaling

    Unknown Cause of Tinnitus, Lasted Now About a Month

    Lucy It is possible that the loud headphone is causative to your tinnitus but I suspect your hard year with stress and anxiety is the underlying cause. I understand exactly how you feel and the fact there seems to be no hope. But there is hope and you will find it. Can you start looking at...
  7. dingaling

    Tinnitus Started While Sitting in an Office

    What is your office environment like - quiet, noisy? Have you ruled out electrical interference, e.g. from overhead fluorescent lights?
  8. dingaling

    Feeling Hopeless and Sad — Why Do I Have Tinnitus?

    Welcome to the forum Sadly, there isn't always a cause, or one that might be obvious. I treat people with tinnitus and have it myself. With the right help, support, mindset and time, most people stop hearing their tinnitus
  9. dingaling

    Unknown Cause of Tinnitus, Lasted Now About a Month

    Hi Lucy and welcome to the forum First of all, it is entirely normal to panic if you don't know what the cause is. But usually, the cause is benign or there is no (obvious) cause. Secondly, worrying and feeling anxious can make the perception of tinnitus worse. Do you suffer from generalised...
  10. dingaling

    Eye Symptoms Related to Hyperacusis

    Go and get your eyes checked
  11. dingaling

    Experiencing Pain Hyperacusis After a Voiced Fire Alarm

    @Jenny_S The acoustic reflex might be "safe" but should never be used on anyone with hyperacusis in my opinion. Sadly, I hear a lot of this happening :(
  12. dingaling

    Is This Pulsatile Tinnitus? Rhythmic Whooshing Sound When I Move My Neck in Certain Positions

    @Caroline48 Hi Caroline, I'm not familiar with the US health care system but see if you can get an angiogram or ultrasound of the neck to assess blood flow.
  13. dingaling

    Experiencing Pain Hyperacusis After a Voiced Fire Alarm

    Hi Jenny The good news is that your hyperacusis can heal. The fact that you are very anxious is very understandable, however, it may hinder your progress and lead to fear of specific sounds. Also the fact that you work in a school/colleage is stressful enough. Does the fire alarm sound at the...
  14. dingaling

    How Do You Fix Poor Posture?

    Alexander Technique...