Recent content by Donsorel

  1. D

    Candida, Sugar and Tinnitus

    My Tinnitus has improve a lot because after quitting eating fruit my whole body is in less tension. Now that I know that I have H Pilory and Candida Overgrowth I will post when I get better of this after going throw antibiothics BUT I HAVE TWO DIFFERENT TINNITUS Sounds fuck up, but is like...
  2. D

    Candida, Sugar and Tinnitus

    @Purple Parrot Hi Prurple Parrot I think it's a wonderful new that you could get better of candida with diet and antifungal suplements. I think that alternative practices can be good, but I would recommend always to try to find causes by making medic tests. I completely agree with you that...
  3. D

    Candida, Sugar and Tinnitus

    @dboy Dboy, I'am not a Doctor and I don't know your exact conditions. So I can tell you my case, as it is still evolving: - I discovered that I had candida overgrowth. But after reading some books and diets one I realized that a lot of them forget that candida overgrowth could be a consequence...
  4. D

    Candida, Sugar and Tinnitus

    @dboy I totally agree with you in being careful and planing well. Before planning a diet you should go to specialist and search for possible causes of you symptoms. Actually I would NEVER recommend an "extreme diet". If you a diet is too extreme for you, your inmune system will be down and you...
  5. D

    Candida, Sugar and Tinnitus

    If you have positive in Candida Overgrowth, you should check also if you have any other problem that helps Candida Overgrowth. In my case I have found throught a Hydrogen Breath Test that I have a very strong Fructose Malabsorption, that probably causes my Candida Overgrowth and SIBO (Small...
  6. D

    Candida, Sugar and Tinnitus

    One other thing. There is an easy home test you can do. It could give some clues. It is called the SPIT TEST. Two months ago I thought I could have Candida and I found this test. I try it in that moment. I did spit to a glass with water and I watched my saliva. It happened nothing at the first...
  7. D

    Candida, Sugar and Tinnitus

    Hi @John G . I found a book called "Yeast infection no more", by Linda Allen, where you can find all the methods to get diagnosed and a more information about Candida: The main problem with Candida diagnose is that in a body of most people there is already candida, so a test could hidden the...
  8. D

    Candida, Sugar and Tinnitus

    Hi, I finally discovered the cause of my Tinnitus and I would like to share it with you, along with a treatment. My tinnitus appeared 7 years ago and since then it has increased every year. 7 years ago I tried to find the cause, with otorhrino and neurologist. Along with Tinnitus, I felt for...
  9. D

    Candida and Tinnitus Link?

  10. D

    Tinnitus Spike After Eating Food with Sugar. Is It Normal?

    Did you check if you have any metabolic condition like Reactive Hypoglycemie, Insulin Resistance o Diabetis type 1 or 2? If you have any of this problems, you could have a problem with sugar after eating. Your blood sugar may get high or low after lunch, and this can make many side effects. One...
  11. D

    What Might Cause Ear Fluttering / Contracting? I'm Not Sure?

    @Kerry H , My Tinnitus is just like yours. Does it sound like this?
  12. D

    Muscular Tinnitus and 'Ear Fluttering'

    Hi, I don't know if my Tinnitus is muscular, but I think is caused by little muscular contractions. I put here an exemple of how it sounds. Is it similar to yours?
  13. D

    Tinnitus with Little Spike (WATCH VIDEO)

    @Mad maggot , try in a computer and put the volume high @Mo_Mo This frequency is 14.200 hz. You can test wich frequency is similar to yours here: @RicoS I think also it can be related to neck and so, now I'm making some yoga and tomorrow I'm going for first...
  14. D

    Does Folic Acid Help or Cause Tinnitus?

    @jimH two tablets of 5mg (10 mg). I don't know if it's a lot :dunno:
  15. D

    Tinnitus with Little Spike (WATCH VIDEO)

    Hi, I have a bilateral Tinnitus and sometimes it is pulsatile. But it is not rhythmic with my heart, is like little spikes. You can see here an example: Does anyone have something like that? Do you know anything about that?