Recent content by Double Jeopardy

  1. Double Jeopardy

    Hi All

    Huge Columbo fan. Peter Falk's current condition :cry: I think my ears have had a symphony of their own since birth but my tinnitus has gradually worsened in time I don't know why. I was not long ago diagnosed with ADD and now trying to get my sh*t together. Currently on sick leave-worked in...
  2. Double Jeopardy

    Modafinil Exacerbates My Tinnitus

    I have diagnosed ADD and started taking Modafinil (Provigil) the only problem is my tinnitus goes through the roof. I stopped Modafinil and after a couple of days the ringing goes back to the previous, normal level. I have informed my Dr, he was surprised and probably adjusts medications. Does...