Recent content by Dr. Jay Hobbs

  1. Dr. Jay Hobbs

    Agnostics “R” Us...

    I would say less fear and more ignorance. I find that most people in and out of the church are not reflective. They have not dug deep into why or what they believe. The members of most churches are composed of club members. It's a club that teaches their kids how to behave and gives the kids...
  2. Dr. Jay Hobbs

    Agnostics “R” Us...

    I agree entirely Dave. All of us have a very strong tendency to believe what is comfortable. Life and reality are not comfortable. If all of our beliefs lead us down and to a comfortable path and destination, the probability is that we are mistaken.
  3. Dr. Jay Hobbs

    Agnostics “R” Us...

    Yes, Tanni, that does bother me too. I have come to reconcile that in several ways. I think about: Who sets the standard for what is truly right and wrong? Who is to say what kind and benevolent is? Can we judge God by the Bible that teaches us the character of God? What may have been...
  4. Dr. Jay Hobbs

    Agnostics “R” Us...

    @Tanni, I appreciate your openness. You seem to be able to step outside your preconceptions rather well and not presume to much about others. Re: The Bible clearly contains some of the worst examples of humanity I expose myself to or allow my kids to read about. Take king David, for example...
  5. Dr. Jay Hobbs

    Noise-Induced Tinnitus Gotten Extremely Somatic

    @Greg Sacramento is always good for providing detailed and accurate advice. To answer some of your additional questions @Monica123: Terminology is important and the way doctors interpret the images. When chiropractors say "out of alignment," most of us mean that the joint is fixated or...
  6. Dr. Jay Hobbs

    I Need Your Theories on My Somatic Tinnitus

    Hi @Melike , Did you get your answers covered. Somatic tinnitus is my primary tinnitus focus. It continues to amaze me, but there are only a few mysteries left related to it. Here's an old video I did on it, and a couple followup ones in this playlist. I'm working on a new series of videos...
  7. Dr. Jay Hobbs

    What Theories Support Stress Causing or Worsening Tinnitus / Hyperacusis?

    Hello @vermillion , I'm sorry for your loss and suffering. Meds aren't my area, but I think that that is unlikely. I don't have studies to quote for you that give a direct connection, but I will share the connection that does have studies we can pull up if needed. There are 2 paths, one...
  8. Dr. Jay Hobbs

    Solsaem Clinic (Dr. Minbo Shim) Experience

    Great compilation of references and theory @Jiri. I must defer to others on this one, since this is an area that I have no experience and have done very little research.
  9. Dr. Jay Hobbs

    Drug Delivery Through Eustachian Tube vs Intratympanic

    Drug delivery is out of my scope and experience, but it seems reasonable to me. I suspect visualization and patient preparation (d/t gagging) would be added challenges that make that method less desirable as compared to the potential complications of penetrating the ear drum.
  10. Dr. Jay Hobbs

    What Do You All Think About Lobbying a Company to Create a 20 kHz Hearing Aid?

    True. And those people I fight against when called and pray for when wise. (Yes, that is to say, I am not always wise, even by my own estimation.)
  11. Dr. Jay Hobbs

    What Do You All Think About Lobbying a Company to Create a 20 kHz Hearing Aid?

    I agree John. That is cruel. I suspect most of the suppression is well-meaning -- That is, they don't want to get people's hopes up for something that will leave them dashed on the rocks, more hopeless and more broke than before don't want to expose people to something that they believe may...
  12. Dr. Jay Hobbs

    What Do You All Think About Lobbying a Company to Create a 20 kHz Hearing Aid?

    Well, it took a bit of looking. I assume you mean ( It's hard to say. Apparently he does injections that improve hearing. I don't know what he injects, and I don't know about the long-term results or safety. If hearing loss is the cause of one's tinnitus, the...
  13. Dr. Jay Hobbs

    Small Muscle Spasms in Sides of the Head?

    Typically these small muscle spasms or twitches are a sign of fatigue. This would be from lack of restful sleep or possibly mineral (magnesium or potassium) deficiency. Where one gets them varies. I suspect the location depends upon the factors that would strain or fatigue the muscles, such...
  14. Dr. Jay Hobbs

    Has Anyone Had Headache Like Pressure in the Head?

    -- could be sinus or trigger point referral from muscles -- lack of sleep makes lots of conditions worse..."head cooling" can cause blood vessel constriction of underlying muscles and may result in worsening trigger points -- chewing food can affect eustachian tubes, but more directly would...
  15. Dr. Jay Hobbs

    Has Anyone Had Headache Like Pressure in the Head?

    Hi David, It would be QUITE uncommon for sinus problems to cause pressure in the back of the head. Since the sinuses are all located on the front/facial area, that is where the pressure/pain stays. The pressure in the back of the head is typically related to muscle tension from posture...