Recent content by DSF767

  1. D

    New and Anxious About Potential Acoustic Neuroma

    @Dna_420 yes i still have my T though its very faint in the morning if i sleep well and gets louder throughout the day though in a scale of 1-10 it probably peaks at a 3.5
  2. D

    New and Anxious About Potential Acoustic Neuroma

    @Dna_420 i don't really have balance issues, neck stiffness, or headaches. From what I've read at the high end a 10% chance of having an AN with our symptoms you can look at the link Haz posted above.
  3. D

    New and Anxious About Potential Acoustic Neuroma

    @Dna_420 i live in the US so went though my private insursnce i should have the results sometime next week and obviously if you have read my other posts in thinking they are going to find an AN for sure. Do you happen to have a copy of your audiogram like i posted above is it anything like mine?
  4. D

    New and Anxious About Potential Acoustic Neuroma

    @Dna_420 No they wouldn't tell me anything at the MRI. They said i had to wait until next week to get the results from my ENT. They did give me the CD which I'm not going to look at because of other things I've read saying there is lots of stuff that lights up so i could easily misread it i...
  5. D

    New and Anxious About Potential Acoustic Neuroma

    Well I'm sitting in the office right now waiting for my MRI needless to say very nervous. I still think an AN is my issue but i guess I'll find out soon stilling hoping it's not even though I'm very positive it is (thanks dr. google)
  6. D

    New and Anxious About Potential Acoustic Neuroma

    Thanks here is my Audiogram don't know if yours looked similar to this: I think you have less hearing look then me but it does not seem to effect me day to day for the most part I am very glad you came out clear and I am hoping I am the same still very nervous though as I am sure you can imagine
  7. D

    New and Anxious About Potential Acoustic Neuroma

    Thats great news Haz I hope my results come out the same! Your hearing loss was it mixed (both bone and air hearing loss do you have any idea what your speech discrimination percentage was?) Thanks for that article I hadn't come across that one yet. I will let you know when I have my results...
  8. D

    New and Anxious About Potential Acoustic Neuroma

    So my MRI is scheduled for Saturday and day by day as that gets closer I keep researching more and more and and the more I'm convinced I have an AN. with my Mixed Hearing loss and Mild Tinnitus I feel like my symptoms are very Classic AN and that's what worries me most. Alot of others I have...
  9. D

    New and Anxious About Potential Acoustic Neuroma

    My MRI is next week question did they put you in head or feet first because I have a plate and some metal screws in my ankle from a break that I suffered My ENT only asked if I had metal in my head or my shoulders. You should have your results before my MRI so I hope the results are good my...
  10. D

    New and Anxious About Potential Acoustic Neuroma

    Thanks Haz I am hoping thats not what this is. At this point I can live with my hearing in its current state. My tinnitus is very minor the hearing loss is worse but like you its about a 25 Db loss. I am holding out hope that because this has been an issue with me for awhile and had always...
  11. D

    New and Anxious About Potential Acoustic Neuroma

    Hi all, I'm sure you have read posts like this 1,000 times by now but at this point I'm very anxious that I have an Acoustic Neuroma. For a couple years I've had single sided hearing loss with occasional Tinnitus no other symptoms of note except I do have very occasional vertigo that lasts...