Recent content by Dubbyaman

  1. Dubbyaman

    Is Cortexi a Scam or Can It Help Tinnitus? → Share Your Experience

    The Cortexi commercial came across my screen earlier while I was trying to archive digital files. I am a video editor and the only impressive thing about the ad was the time and effort they had put into it as far as graphics, narration, sound effects, etc. go, lol. What's most upsetting about...
  2. Dubbyaman

    What Is Worse in Your Opinion? Tinnitus or Hearing Loss?

    Hi doc, What is worse in your opinion? Tinnitus or hearing loss? Thanks!
  3. Dubbyaman

    Eddy Temple Morris

    I was once very negative on here but that was years ago. I apologise for that. I tried very hard for a long while to raise awareness by writing in to podcasts, Twitter conversations, etc. Then I got sick and went on a real crappy 1 year long side trip. My tinnitus is still very bad. Now I have...
  4. Dubbyaman

    What Is It with People on This Site?? Why Nobody Responds to Me?

    I write to people on here and no one ever gets back to me. :(
  5. Dubbyaman

    Ears Shouldn't Ring!

    It's been almost 4 years with this and I'm still in denial about it. Ears should not ring. It makes no sense and is completely uncalled for!!
  6. Dubbyaman

    What Would You Have Rather Gotten Other Than Tinnitus or Hyperacusis?

    What would you have rather have gotten other than tinnitus or hyperacusis? I tell ya... I'm in a wheelchair and rely on just my arms to get around and would have rather broken an arm instead of getting this horse shit.
  7. Dubbyaman

    Tonight Is an Opportunity (Coast to Coast AM Radio Awareness Call In)!

    @attheedgeofscience Thank you sir. I try I guess. It just frustrates me how no one talks about this. For some reason, hearing is left out of almost everything in public conversation and when it is mentioned, they only talk about hearing loss and not tinnitus or hyperacusis which in my opinion...
  8. Dubbyaman

    Poll: Did You Know About Decibels and Sound Guidelines Before Tinnitus?

    @Autumnly @Turner Did your ears ever rang temporarily before onset? Mine didn't.
  9. Dubbyaman

    Poll: Did You Know About Decibels and Sound Guidelines Before Tinnitus?

    Did you know about decibels and sound guidelines before tinnitus?
  10. Dubbyaman

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    Does anyone know if anyone on the trials have had any hearing improvement?
  11. Dubbyaman

    Tonight Is an Opportunity (Coast to Coast AM Radio Awareness Call In)!

    Thank you @glynis You are a lovely person as well :)
  12. Dubbyaman

    Tonight Is an Opportunity (Coast to Coast AM Radio Awareness Call In)!
  13. Dubbyaman

    Radio Call Ins

    A lot of radio shows have segments where callers can call in and talk about stuff. I think we all should start doing this. Your call is heard over the air across whatever area you are in. I think awareness would sky rocket if we all did this.
  14. Dubbyaman

    Is It Standard Procedure to Have MRI for Tinnitus? Can They Do It If You Have Metal in Your Face?

    @Tinker Bell @sjtinguy i think i have metal screws in my face due to jaw surgery and i have a titanium rod fused along my whole spinal cord. The reason I ask is because I have unilateral tinnitus in my left ear which is also the ear with mild HL. The tinnitus is cyclical. It confuses me...