Recent content by Dustydom

  1. D

    Can Propranolol Worsen Tinnitus?

    I am on 40mg tablets, but only takeing half a tablet twice a day, I should be on a whole one 3 times a day, but I sometimes think my tinnitus starts after I take half a tablet. Been on them for almost 3 months, can't say my tinnitus has obviously gone up, but scared it will if I do the full...
  2. D

    Success Stories - Noise Induced Tinnitus

    Well it happens, many get temporary tinnitus after a going to a gig. How often it happens is probably under reported. People don't go thier ENT to report they are cured or jump online on a tinnitus forum to tell people about it. However if you hold this as your goal, you are more likley to be...
  3. D

    Is It True That Some People's Tinnitus Go Away?

    I have had it twice before. Both times it was very quiet but the second time it was loud enough for me to go to the doctors, and get told no cure, that's it. I didn't care as I had a lot of other things to worry about, and I never really noticed that it had gone until it came back a 3rd time...
  4. D

    Argh, I Feel Jealous and a bit... Stuck

    Well your post certainly made my day, as my symptoms are similar to your friends, so for today, I have hope. However I may be back on Wednesday after my ENT visit in dispair. Even if I am, I am still hopefully that habituation is not just getting by day to day. I have read a number of stories...
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    Need Advice On What To Tell ENT

    Got my ENT specialist appointment on Wednesday. It's on the NHS so I am worried that as he isn't getting paid per patient, he will just tell me I have to live with it as there is nothing he can do. However I hope there is, and I want to know how best to guide the ENT to think it is worth...
  6. D

    Hi from Melbourne Australia. It is after midnight here and this is when i struggle the most.

    Being offered TRT is great, let me know how it goes and what support is offered in Australia.
  7. D

    New Sufferer, Six Days

    I have read that it can go away, and often does. However the best way to think about it is like this IMO. Tinnitus affects 10% of the population, millions of people in every country get where are they all? Why are they not on this site? We should be seeing new threads pop up every...
  8. D

    Hi from Melbourne Australia. It is after midnight here and this is when i struggle the most.

    Watch something on your lap top in bed with your headphones on. Preferably a comedy, a funny one, anything that will make you laugh or lighten your mood.
  9. D

    Flying & Tinnitus

    I recently flew from Korea to the UK, not a direct flight. I didn't notice any real change in my tinnitus.
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    Rough Time For Me — Need Medical Advice

    I have only just started this unwanted journey, but I was prescribed Propranolol 40mg for Anxiety. Half a tablet 3 times a day for a week, then whole tablets. I started today, it has helped a little , however the effect is mild but I am told side effects are very minimal. Breast Cancer has a...
  11. D

    Anyone Here from Australia?

    Yes, kind of. I am an Australian Citizen but wasn't born there and don't live there now, but can't wait to get back next year.
  12. D

    Tinnitus That Moved From Right Ear Over Brain to Left Ear and Disappeared

    My Tinnitus has started waking me up at night now, and it feels like a loud multi tonal noise in my brain. I get up and walk around for a bit and it settles back into it's normal state. I guess if it happens, start moving around, do something, don't just listen to it. I know it's easier said...
  13. D

    Need Advice on Sinus Related Tinnitus

    Thanks again. It's great to talk to someone who understands and isn't freaking out about thier condition. I know that controlling your feelings is probably the biggest thing with this. I was just fine with it for a whole month, but after I left the Doctors Surgery thinking that my life was done...
  14. D

    Need Advice on Sinus Related Tinnitus

    Hi Marlene. Thanks for your reply. I'm Merchant Navy, so I don't get any fast tracking under the NHS. My ears are fine for ear wax, according to the doctor I saw. I guess I have to go back and try another doctor if nothing changes.
  15. D

    Tinnitus & Spacey

    I get that feeling too. I first got it about 5 years ago, had a cat scan and was told it was Left Sided Maxillory Sinusitis , and was treated with Nasonex, which worked. I had it for a few weeks but no tinnitus. Had it again a few years later, and it went again. Got it back 2 months ago, on and...