Recent content by Elho

  1. Elho

    The Occlusion Effect: How Do You Walk with Earmuffs/Defenders?

    No holidays here, I’m in the UK! My ears are currently full of wax, so I’ll have to wait until it is removed before giving the Mack’s a try. I’m amazed you can run. I sometimes find myself tiptoeing, good grief! Enjoy your holidays across the pond! 😃
  2. Elho

    The Occlusion Effect: How Do You Walk with Earmuffs/Defenders?

    Yes, I have the orange 3M foam earplugs. I’ll check out the Max ones as well and might try using them more often when I’m walking. Best wishes, Chief.
  3. Elho

    Still Alive and Doing Better! Hyperacusis and Pain Have Reduced by About 75%!

    Great to hear your story, @Marin. I think I’m just starting my journey and going through a similar experience. May I ask—do you need to say the DNRS rounds out loud, or can you just recite them in your mind? Huge thanks for your detailed posts!
  4. Elho

    The Occlusion Effect: How Do You Walk with Earmuffs/Defenders?

    I find that they thud because they’re not tight enough to prevent that noise when I walk. Even with earplugs, I still hear the impact noise with each step. How do you avoid this? For me, they work well when sitting, but they’re not great when I’m moving, or at least I worry that the thud might...
  5. Elho

    Somatic Tracking for Hyperacusis

    Unfortunately, my earwax is soft and sticky, so manual tools are useless, so I understand. Many thanks for your words of encouragement.
  6. Elho

    Somatic Tracking for Hyperacusis

    Thanks for responding. Yes, it seems to be calming down a little already. I hope it continues!
  7. Elho

    Somatic Tracking for Hyperacusis

    Thanks for your response, @Eleanor89. May I ask you how long it took before you found the somatic tracking helpful? I'm doing it randomly throughout the day at the moment. I just started sitting and objectively observing, as you say.
  8. Elho

    Hyperacusis, As I See It

    Thanks for your response. Hopefully, Brighton Audiology has all these resources at their disposal.
  9. Elho

    Hyperacusis, As I See It

    Yes, I'm about to have an NHS consultation with an audiologist. I just wondered if it was the same one. I'm in Brighton. May I ask what her general approach was? Regards, Dan
  10. Elho

    Hyperacusis, As I See It

    Hi Michael. May I ask who is the audiologist with 100% success treating hyperacusis that you corresponded with? I hope you're doing well. Dan
  11. Elho

    Somatic Tracking for Hyperacusis

    Hi all. Has anyone tried somatic tracking for hyperacusis? After a failed attempt to remove earwax in both blocked ears using microsuction (it was too loud for me), my hyperacusis went from mild noise sensitivity to severe pain. I thought I'd try somatic tracking to see if it can reduce the...
  12. Elho

    Sound Enrichment and White Noise Generators

    Hi Michael. Fellow Brightonian here. I have different sound generators in different rooms. I have two Sound Oasis machines, although they have different sound cards. So at night I play Pink Noise in my bedroom but in the daytime I play a similar noise whilst on my computer. And in the evenings...