Recent content by emmy2405

  1. emmy2405

    Back in the UK after a bereavement, still trying to deny the sound in my ears. SEAsia was...

    Back in the UK after a bereavement, still trying to deny the sound in my ears. SEAsia was incredible.
  2. emmy2405

    Bereavement & Tinnitus

    Thank you for your reply @Lorenzo74 It's been four months and it hasn't really altered yet. Luckily I've had a full time job to keep my brain occupied during the day time. I think you are definitely right in that grief makes you emotionally weaker and therefore that is bound to have an effect...
  3. emmy2405

    Is Tinnitus in the Genes?

    My mother has it. She got it when she was 25. I got it the same age... coincidence? perhaps. But I believe that it is genetically passed on.
  4. emmy2405

    Bereavement & Tinnitus

    Hello everyone, :) I have been a member of Tinnitus Talk for around 19 months. When I first came here, I was very new to Tinnitus. Since then, I have learnt to cope with it and been teaching and traveling abroad. I wrote a post just after I left the UK about how I had learnt to habituate with...
  5. emmy2405

    Newbie Here, College?

    Hi Dylan! I'm 24 and have had tinnitus for nearly a year now. So I'm rather jealous you got six more years over me... ha ha I joke...;) I habituated to it quite quickly, but that's because I knew I didn't have a choice if I were to still keep my life in order and do everything I wanted to do...
  6. emmy2405

    still in Thailand, still denying that little sound is ever in my ears. Seems to be working.

    still in Thailand, still denying that little sound is ever in my ears. Seems to be working.
  7. emmy2405

    Travelling Asia with Tinnitus

    Hi iAzra! The flight was 14 hours and it did make my Tinnitus louder, but it calmed down after a day on the ground again. I have ear plugs and wear them if I go to bars or clubs, even loud restaurants. It REALLY helps! At the weekend we went spontaneously went to a club at a beach a few hours...
  8. emmy2405

    All the Good Stuff Tinnitus Brought to My Life!

    What band were you a part of? I love my music so I'm intrigued! Congratulations
  9. emmy2405

    Travelling Asia with Tinnitus

    My Tinnitus was very loud to begin with and is of a very high frequency. But, as I've habituated it seems to have grown quieter. However I am unsure if it has grown quieter or I've just learnt to ignore it! ....I just spent a good minute listening for it - and it's most definitely loud! Thank...
  10. emmy2405

    Travelling Asia with Tinnitus

    Hi everyone! So, I came to this site about 6 weeks ago in desperation, to seek some advice on that dreaded ringing in my ears that we all know about. At the time, I was due to go travelling around Asia and teach english in Thailand. I thought I'd write this post for anyone out there who needs...
  11. emmy2405

    Hearing Protection and Tinnitus: Keep The Tiny Hair Cells Safe — Discuss!

    I just bought these: Amazing blockage yet you can still hear the music around you. They erase the awful tinny feedback that will make your ears hurt and hearing deteriorate. Emmy
  12. emmy2405

    Favorite Alcoholic Beverage

    Can't beat a good Gin & Tonic with ice and lime. Mmm....
  13. emmy2405

    New and frantic

    Hello @Puddytat :welcomesignanimation: I am sorry to hear you are struggling with T... My mum also lives on her own and suffers from the dreaded noise. I have also recently become a victim of T as well (nearly 2 weeks). Try to keep your mind occupied - (I know, it sounds so easy when it's...
  14. emmy2405

    Do You Have Any Phobias?

    Spiders.......absolutely terrified of them. Even the little ones....!! :cry:
  15. emmy2405

    Wondering What We All Do for Our Work/Job/Living

    So many software engineers - I knew I did the wrong degree(!) o_O