Recent content by Enzo312

  1. E

    Share Your Success Story Not Only Your WORRIES, Spread HOPE!

    Hello Everyone, I have noticed something in most of the online forums ( Not all)and why does googling things cause you depression. Mostly because people who have any kind of symptoms google things and share their worries and in case they get healed and cured they disappear, and people are left...
  2. E

    Men Only: Does Masturbating Affect Tinnitus?

    Hummm, I have never noticed that during and after sex.. anyways I can't think during that time except of 2 things :D
  3. E

    Think A little less and you will be a lot happier

    Think A little less and you will be a lot happier
  4. E

    @Sailboardman but if you are not willing to receive then no way :D @Zorro! oh yea, but even if...

    @Sailboardman but if you are not willing to receive then no way :D @Zorro! oh yea, but even if i put a speaker and they don't want to listen then won't
  5. E

    You cannot make someone understand a message they are not ready to receive.

    You cannot make someone understand a message they are not ready to receive.
  6. E

    Please Complete the Survey!

    Thanks Karen, completed.
  7. E

    Help Me and Describe Your Pulsatile Tinnitus for Me Please

    Hi Karen, The worst part maybe is when you are in the initial stages, when you were normal and no sounds and all of the sudden yo start hearing things, It takes a lot of patience to deal with it. If you tell people, they tell you yea it's fine we have it sometimes , just ignore it. Well, they...
  8. E

    Help Me and Describe Your Pulsatile Tinnitus for Me Please

    Hey Mary, Karen & Kazb38 I know how stressful this could be, I also have PT in my right ear , i can clearly heart the hearbeat as it is, if i have fast heart beats i hear fast beats and etc.. I can stop it if i press on my neck, or if i do the valsava ( push air into my ear by closing my...
  9. E

    lol, be optimistic :D

    lol, be optimistic :D
  10. E

    Only Dead Fish swim with the stream

    Only Dead Fish swim with the stream
  11. E

    It Shall Go Away

    I hope it clears out once and for all!! For myself, my pulse is still in my ear but i can manage it if i turn my neck the other way and if I keep the heart at a resting case cause when it goes up or races then i'll hear it again :( , good thing it doesn't bother me when I sleep, my over worries...
  12. E

    Move on

    Move on
  13. E

    Post a Picture of Your Pet!

    Thats my friend
  14. E

    Scared and Panicked

    Hey Brayn! It shall go away, that's how you should think! The good news is that there is no hearing loss and no fluid in the ear, and pretty sure it's a phase and will pass. Do you have the ringing 24/7 that doesn't make u sleep? is it loud that you can't focus? Sometimes focusing on it makes...
  15. E

    Trying to Be STRONG… How Do You Cope?

    Hey Heather, First of all, I hope you are doing well and rest assured that this shall go away if you only think that " U R GOOD", you have no idea how positive thinking and talking to yourself in a positive way would even heal things you have and overcome a lot of obstacles. The energy that...