Recent content by Eric Winch

  1. Eric Winch


    i tend to beleave the brain can learn the difference , but can it heal or mute the T ? not so sure. ill keep an eye on the reserch
  2. Eric Winch

    Waste of My Time

    Well i just got in to see a hearing dr. waited 3 months for the apt. and all i was told was i should not use Q tips to clean my ears. lolol 3 mths wait, 1 hr. in the office a hearing test and he tells me dont use Q tips? Oh well i didnt realy expect anything anyway. If some wrote a book on...
  3. Eric Winch

    What's on My Mind...

    i have a test with a specialist comming up and im trying to get a grasp on what he can and cant do for me. i would like to be able to ask him some relevent questions, so i read these posts to try to figgure things out . sofar its clear as mud lolololol
  4. Eric Winch

    What's on My Mind...

    . What kind of test did you do? what kind of tests are there and how do i find them?
  5. Eric Winch

    Relaxation and Concentration Tips for High-Stress Situations?

    just read this , how did the test work out? how did the test work out for you?
  6. Eric Winch

    hello everyone

    tmj since birth wow , my step daughter has tmj she is getting therapy ,that is helping,it seems quite pain full but she told me she would keep her tmj over this ringing . u need to move to a place that has health ins. free. like canada . any way good luck to you .
  7. Eric Winch

    hello everyone

    i just try to keep real busy , but i dont enjoy tv or books any more i found other stuff to try to keep my mind off it . but your right it drives me fkn nuts
  8. Eric Winch

    Sleep Apnea and Tinnitus

    well i just used the cpcap mech. for the first night. no real differance in my noise , but this mechine is going to take some getting used to , i slept poorly at best. im hoping it starts to help i havent slept well in a long time , heres hopeing. thx markku
  9. Eric Winch

    Hi everyone, I also live with tinnitus. Read my post.

    i dont know guys, ac/dc super tramp and pink floyd are what i like to sit back to but we all like what we like eh
  10. Eric Winch

    i was reading through the different posts and things and noticed you are in ont. im toronto...

    i was reading through the different posts and things and noticed you are in ont. im toronto. nice to see other canadians on here , to bad its over this ringing .
  11. Eric Winch

    A Few Words About Myself

    You should be proud of this site. It's a good place to get and give info.
  12. Eric Winch

    Glad I found you!

    yeas i was on 25 or 30 mg of paxil i changed to pristiq 50 mg but there are others as you noted i try to avoid them if i can.
  13. Eric Winch

    Glad I found you!

    when i started to dig into the reason i got it ( loud noise) i found out one of the meds i was taking on a daily basis has ringing in the ears as aside afect, i just pass that on due to your saying you dont know how it started. look into your meds if you take any .
  14. Eric Winch

    Sleep Apnea and Tinnitus

    i was just told i have sleep apnea and will need a cpap air mech. but the dr. also siad the cpap mech. my rase the air pressure in my nose an throat , and this my worsen the "t". i was wondering if any else uses this mech. and dose it have an affect on your "t"? i would love to hear any...