Recent content by erinkath

  1. E

    Talking Tinnitus — a U.K. Expo in Birmingham on Saturday, 15th September, 2018

    Question for Don McFerran: Can you validate (in a general sense) if there are any research studies or is there other credible info "out there" which highlights that a decent percentage of "ceasing-of-tinnitus" exists for those people who quit using a drug which seemed to trigger tinnitus ? ...
  2. E

    It's Me, emmalee

    Yes, a warm welcome! ...And I'm a newbie as well - & realized this great group is a huge help & outa-the-blue blessing! Anyhow, 'glad you found everyone here that is super supportive + helpful, along with being very "real" so that when "connecting" here there's that calming feeling &...
  3. E

    Anyone Have Tinnitus Due to Allergies?

    p.s. oh & please excuse the various rough parts of that post above as it was jotted down quickly ... for instance @ the end 'meant to write "mutual support" - not, duh, "mutually support" ...thanks!
  4. E

    Anyone Have Tinnitus Due to Allergies?

    Hi there - I'm a newbie here & so 'was glad to see this post today! I ended up getting tinnitus while in evacuation from CA wildfires as I stuck for ages it seems amidst shabby evacuation spots. ...I ended up exposed to places that were full of heavy dust + mold. Then once situated...