Recent content by Fleegle

  1. Fleegle

    Major Cardiothoracic Event Changed My Experience with Tinnitus: I'm Leaving This Group

    Late fifties, @Nick47. I have a life to live.
  2. Fleegle

    Major Cardiothoracic Event Changed My Experience with Tinnitus: I'm Leaving This Group

    Just over a year ago, I experienced a major cardiothoracic event and came dangerously close to leaving this world. For the past 10 years, I have endured extreme tinnitus, but it pales in comparison to the excruciating pain of an aortic aneurysm and a complete aortic dissection. I underwent a...
  3. Fleegle

    Four Days, No Tinnitus — Thanks Greg Sacramento

    This morning I woke with severe tinnitus as usual. Maybe 6 hours sleep. I went through my morning routine and then no tinnitus. Nothing. A half hour later there was a crackle in my left ear and I felt that I should move my head slightly to avoid it coming back. And it never did. This is not a...
  4. Fleegle

    Keeping Busy Made Me Forget About My Tinnitus

    I would like to keep busy, but while I am doing the things I love, I quickly lose concentration and look for something else. I have so many interests but none are interesting. Does this make sense to anyone? Maybe @ZFire?
  5. Fleegle

    Looking for a Diagnosis in Adelaide, Australia

    Hi - I am wondering how everyone in this thread was doing? I am going to see an ENT in Brisbane that was mentioned in another thread. If my tinnitus is somatic and caused by a spinal or cervical spine issue, then maybe he can help? It was Dr. Andrew Lomas in Brisbane.
  6. Fleegle

    Brisbane Dentist with Experience Treating a Person with Hyperacusis or TTTS?

    I have had TTTS since I was a kid (or as long as I can remember). Hair clippers come in at some angle and I flinch. Usually from behind to the left. But I will ask a friend who is a dentist in Brisbane.
  7. Fleegle

    A Year Living with Tinnitus (Since 2019 Elton Concert — Brisbane, Australia)

    Hi @MaxDee. I hope you are still active. I too am a muso of sorts - bedroom studio producer. Yep from Brisbane. I am trying to get the band back together (a support group in Brisbane) if my life can be a little less busy.
  8. Fleegle

    Somatic Tinnitus

    Geebuz! How come I didn't see this before? I also am from Brisbane and have been searching Tinnitus Talk for EXACTLY this POST from someone who was going to say "Doctor in Brisbane". How did you find him and how did you know to find him? Every doctor is like "well you know there is no c..."...
  9. Fleegle

    Hello from Brisbane, Australia

    Hi @coldroses, I hope you are still active here. I too live in Brisbane. Constantly flipping between being determined to get rid of this thing, and suffering with it. I hope you had some success; for your own sake. I am now looking to unlock what I think is somatic tinnitus and cervical...
  10. Fleegle

    Has Anyone Habituated to Ultra High Frequency Tinnitus That Can't Be Masked?

    I keep coming back to this thread but afraid that it is so far down here that know one will read it. I have this kind of tinnitus. I have successfully done some meditation that works for me but it is only brief and really is a mind trick. I should write a book about it and maybe feel better...
  11. Fleegle

    Caffeine Spikes Tinnitus?

    I have been without caffeine for two weeks. I guess I have somatic tinnitus. My experience is that my tinnitus has not been reduced because caffeine has been absent, and today I have had much caffeine and my tinnitus persists (not a spike - just persists) - I don't get spikes and my tinnitus is...
  12. Fleegle

    Four Days, No Tinnitus — Thanks Greg Sacramento

    Mine is always constant but your question supposes that the tinnitus is on some days and off other days - it is not. Only recently has it turned "off" for a few days but I have not been able to correct it, so it continues almost everyday. No, definitely not. However, I know I am sensitive to...
  13. Fleegle

    Four Days, No Tinnitus — Thanks Greg Sacramento

    Thanks Lane - I was referring to the picture. I can't tell from the picture which vertebrae is C1 as it looks like the C1C2 are one thing or are they separate things?
  14. Fleegle

    Four Days, No Tinnitus — Thanks Greg Sacramento

    Like cicadas - thousands of them in a forest of cicadas. I clocked it at around 8 kHz. It is a constant sound, from waking to sleeping - takes an effort to sleep though. Louder than main street traffic. Seems front left in my head. Probably at 10 o'clock position looking 12 ahead and 6 behind...
  15. Fleegle

    Four Days, No Tinnitus — Thanks Greg Sacramento

    I am not sure which one is C1/C2/C3? Is C1 the top one that looks joined to C2 with a gap between C2 & C3? Or is C1 really the two that look joined and C2 & C3 are another one lower down?