Recent content by Florida John

  1. Florida John

    Mood Swings — Is It Normal?

    still on lamictal? Hows it working for ya these days?
  2. Florida John

    Mood Swings — Is It Normal?

    what pills were they? just wonder how many might be struggling with the same pills?
  3. Florida John

    Lithium Orotate (Natural Supplement) for Fluctuating Tinnitus, Mood Swings, Depression, and Anxiety?

    I know the benzo you are trying to get off of is because of long term problems but would you say it was helping you deal with tinintus? wish you the best!
  4. Florida John

    Lithium Orotate (Natural Supplement) for Fluctuating Tinnitus, Mood Swings, Depression, and Anxiety?

    Do you still take antidepressant? Is your depression from T or did you already have it.
  5. Florida John

    Nearly 7 Years and Louder Than Ever. So Exhausted.

    Did you decide to come off Mirtazapine? If so how did it go for you? Did you replace it with anything?
  6. Florida John

    Chronic Anxiety and Depression

    I am not coping that well, I am 52 and have had Tinnitus for approx 20 or more years,,,,It was at a level I learned to live with just fine (From hearing loss) then approx 6 months ago I came off gabepentin for neck pain, and came off too fast as I was feeling really bad, it gave me bad anxiety...
  7. Florida John

    Chronic Anxiety and Depression

    How are you coping these days,,,,your situation sounds like mine,,,,I am looking for answers,,,,have you tried any meds to help?
  8. Florida John

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    one last thing, did it help or hurt your sleep? also wonder if you grind teeth at night as I do, I think it might be from anxiety,,,Thanks
  9. Florida John

    Antidepressants (SSRIs, SNRIs, MAOs, TCAs, TeCAs)

    did it spike your tinnitus when you first started? any info appreciated? good luck!
  10. Florida John

    Sleep Acts as Off/On Switch for Tinnitus

    I know this was a long time ago,,,but did you do anything fancy to get that good rest,,,,like take something?
  11. Florida John

    Alcohol Is Not an Approved Treatment

    still on the amtripyline? If so how is it going?
  12. Florida John

    To Take Cymbalta or Not?

    How long have you been on it,,,,did anxiety pick up when you first started,,,how long before you felt a difference?
  13. Florida John

    To Take Cymbalta or Not?

    Just curious about your delemma,,,,I am in the same position,,,on low dose ativan but hoping to ween off that soon,,,Have you tried any Anti D's,,,, I am in the same boat,,,,but need help
  14. Florida John

    To Take Cymbalta or Not?

    That is good, hope it works for you! Keep us posted on how you are doing?
  15. Florida John

    Depressed, Depressed and Depressed.

    did you try antidepressant? If so which one? and has it worked? I am in similar postion