Recent content by forum_user

  1. forum_user


    I am not sure what happened, but I get days with little tinnitus and then out of nowhere or with small triggers very high-pitched torture changing in intensity, loudness and area. I can do only little then. I hate it. I wish I could cease to exist if that's the rest of my life.
  2. forum_user


    Tinnitus is killing me, I hate it. I hate my life with it. I want it to go away now, or die.
  3. forum_user


    It is a torment. I hope tinnitus will stop.
  4. forum_user


    Tinnitus is killing me...
  5. forum_user


    I have wanted to die for more than a year. Even though my tinnitus has improved over time, I will never be able to accept it, it is so tormenting.
  6. forum_user


    It is torture. I want to die. I never will be happy when it continues. Taking silence from me was just too much. I want it to end.
  7. forum_user


    I want to die, I hate this torment.
  8. forum_user


    I wish not to exist, as I can not be me. I can not think, read and talk with me and others in silence. I find it very unjust, that tinnitus was forced upon me due to idiocy in the medicinal and other important areas of human life and human rights, which were and are in my case being violated.
  9. forum_user

    My Acoustic Trauma Tinnitus Has Faded Some — Will It Continue to Fade More?

    Do I understand it correctly that the first time you had tinnitus, it went away completely for you? Not even a tiny little sound stayed? And the second time you got tinnitus, over the course of 2 years it went to a mild hiss you hardly ever notice? Thank you for your answer.
  10. forum_user

    Mild Somatic Tinnitus, Feeling of Tightness in Jaw and Clogged Ear: Anyone Tried Tinnitool?

    I cannot recommend Tinnitool. Be careful here. I still wait for my money to be returned. The thing arrived broken. The seller's communication is awful. He exploited my stressful situation and left me pay the bank fee 2 times. Also, I'll be left with import fees and high shipping costs. If you...
  11. forum_user

    Noise-Induced Tinnitus Was Actually Stress-Induced Tinnitus — Fluoxetine Made It Vanish

    Hello, How are you? Do you mean by vanish that your tinnitus went completely away? Is it still the case?
  12. forum_user

    Wellbutrin-Induced Tinnitus Success Story — Dramatic Improvement

    It was Amitriptyline. I took a very low dose (10 mg) for pain management. I am doing better now. It got quieter and the tones changed (a few days ago again). I hope it stays like this and continues to improve until silence. My last spike was a few weeks ago and was terrifying, the fear of a...
  13. forum_user

    Some Tinnitus Success Stories from People Around Me

    Hello, I hope it is OK that I tag along here. Here are some stories I've found on the internet, for example on a German forum about tinnitus, but not only. I just summarized some basics. Story 1: Cause: Noise induced, acute trauma (fireworks). Duration: 15 years. Time without tinnitus after...
  14. forum_user

    Are Alcohol and Tobacco Reckless a Week After Blast Noise Exposure?

    I smoked once a very small cigarette (I am not a smoker, so it was just out of sheer desperation, because I read somewhere it might lessen the tinnitus for some). And the following happened: I felt sick, one of the sounds disappeared completely (maybe it was very quiet) for about 15 minutes, the...
  15. forum_user

    Severe Pulsatile and Regular Tinnitus with Hearing Loss — Should I Get a CT Angiography (CTA)?

    I think normal tinnitus can mess up your perception of sound in the way that it is more difficult to estimate the direction/the source. I also experienced this. And if the sound is loud, it might be therefore difficult to tell if one hears it in both ears/head. This might be one possible...