Recent content by Frasmor

  1. Frasmor

    Anybody Use the Styletto Connect 7Nx Hearing Aid for Tinnitus Caused by Hearing Loss?

    Let me know how it goes. I ended up getting a Rexton Adobe Li from Costco as it was more affordable at the moment and I really wanted to be able to hear. Its been two months and while I can hear better now, it has a transistor radio like quality to the sound. I am not sure if that is what it's...
  2. Frasmor

    Anybody Use the Styletto Connect 7Nx Hearing Aid for Tinnitus Caused by Hearing Loss?

    And that is exactly why I am looking to get the best hearing aid for what ever money I can get. I almost cried when I was able to hear with the hearing aid and its only been about six years for me. Can't imagine what you felt after 40.
  3. Frasmor

    Anybody Use the Styletto Connect 7Nx Hearing Aid for Tinnitus Caused by Hearing Loss?

    Thanks Elmer. I will definitely keep that in mind. I am trying to keep myself from jumping on the first hearing aid I find. I did not realize how much my hearing loss affected me until the audiologist I went to put a hearing aid in my ear and turned it on. Its like jumping at the first car you...
  4. Frasmor

    Anybody Use the Styletto Connect 7Nx Hearing Aid for Tinnitus Caused by Hearing Loss?

    Thanks JasonP and Michael B. I also tried the Signia Pure 7nx and really liked it too. I went to Costco today and got some information. They recommended the Resound Preza for my level of hearing loss. It looks very similar to the Pure. And I really liked the $1400 price. I have not found too...
  5. Frasmor

    Anybody Use the Styletto Connect 7Nx Hearing Aid for Tinnitus Caused by Hearing Loss?

    Although I am going to check Costco out this weekend I am hesitating because I have heard and read some negative things about their customer service and support.
  6. Frasmor

    Anybody Use the Styletto Connect 7Nx Hearing Aid for Tinnitus Caused by Hearing Loss?

    I have tinnitus in my right ear caused by hearing loss. I was cleared for a hearing aid so yesterday I went to speak to somebody. She was really nice and friendly and I felt really comfortable with her. She had me try a few hearing aids that were quickly programmed to give me an idea of how they...
  7. Frasmor

    Not Sure How or Why My Tinnitus Started, Nor What to Expect

    My tinnitus started on 9/23/19. I use ear plugs to sleep at night as I live on the 2nd floor of an apt building near a subway station in NYC and it gets noisy in the mornings. I work evenings so the ear plugs prevent the noise from disturbing my sleep. When I first put them in I tend to hear a...