Recent content by freakerdude

  1. freakerdude

    Ear Plugs and Concerts

    Thank you Tom! If I feel a need to increase my filtering with proper fitting, then I might do the custom made route. I see 10 and 20db reducing ones online with interchangeable filters. Do you recommend a higher filtering? Sometimes when I see bands in local clubs I might be sitting in the...
  2. freakerdude

    Post Your Favorite Songs

    Louisiana blues from guitar smoking Tab Benoit
  3. freakerdude

    Ear Plugs and Concerts

    Newbie here and I’ve been going to a lot of concerts since 1977. I would say on average I see at least 8 to 10 per year. My T started about 2 to 3 years ago and I don’t plan on going to fewer concerts as of now. For the last 3 to 5 concerts, I have been taking foam plugs which seem to help quite...
  4. freakerdude

    Lipoflavonoid for Tinnitus? Helps or Not?

    Well I’ve read almost all of these replies and it seems the consensus is that it didn’t work for most people here. But I’m going to give it a shot because I’m willing to try anything that might relieve it even by 10 to 20%
  5. freakerdude

    Post Your Favorite Songs

    Smashing Pumpkins debut album Gish! It doesn’t get much better than this SP’s 2nd album Siamese Dream
  6. freakerdude

    Any MMA Fans Here?

    Well stipe beat Werdum, Overeem, and Dos Santos so that deserves respect. I’d like to see him fight Mark Hunt. People are calling him a paper champ just like DC. My all time fav fighter was Frank Mir. He fought smart and was a submission specialist. He broke Tim Sylvia’s forearm and that’s a...
  7. freakerdude

    Post Your Favorite Songs

    Led Zepplin? Pfffft :headphone: this guy first performed Willie Dixon’s ‘Bring It On Home’
  8. freakerdude

    Any MMA Fans Here?

    New member here.....I watched the fights and thought both DC and Stipe used their strategy to win the right way, aside from either opponent not having anywhere near their experience. Nogannu is a beast but big muscles need big oxygen. I enjoyed the 2 title fights!