Recent content by Frederico_23

  1. Frederico_23

    Ketamine Injection

    Anynone tried?
  2. Frederico_23

    Are Celebrities Ashamed of Tinnitus?

    Imagine... music gives you millions... you have a perfect live rock all around the world in a beutiful house. so you got a weeee sound in that trade? That's how they think they don't get bother by it. But they will become deaf. I think coldplay and will i am talked about tinnitus but I don't...
  3. Frederico_23

    New Study Indicates the Mechanism Behind Hyperacusis — Retigabine a Possible Treatment? They say that: "Exposure to the KCNQ channel activator retigabine suppressed the type II fiber's response to hair cell damage. Type II afferents...
  4. Frederico_23

    Levetiracetam (Keppra) Worked for My Hyperacusis

    Today I got a massive spyke when I woke up. Dont know if its keppra related or not. H is still the same no change, side effects tiredness and dizziness.
  5. Frederico_23

    Autifony Therapeutics Phase II Study for AUT00063, for the Treatment of Hearing Loss and Tinnitus

    This are very strange news. What do you think about external pressures to end this drug? Because in the statement, they could change the drug dosage? The drug treatmenet time. Or saying that they will try another drug. It seems like they are abandoning tinnitus
  6. Frederico_23

    Levetiracetam (Keppra) Worked for My Hyperacusis

    Yes it is.but my tinnitus and hyperacusis started after doing and abdominal MRI. Before that i had zero tinnitus
  7. Frederico_23

    Levetiracetam (Keppra) Worked for My Hyperacusis

    After one week of 500mg I have raise the dosage to 1000mg twice a day. Hyperacusis the same. Side effects continue. Tired, some strange headaches.
  8. Frederico_23

    Levetiracetam (Keppra) Worked for My Hyperacusis

    First three days in. I am a 26 years old athletic and weight 80kg and i think this drug is very serious. Side effects: sleepness, dizziness, nausea and feeling that I was moving very slow. Some blurred vision for some periods. Now I think my body as adapted to it and dont have the symptoms I...
  9. Frederico_23

    Levetiracetam (Keppra) Worked for My Hyperacusis

    I have started a trial with keppra. I started today with 500mg for two weeks and then I'm going to increase the dose. I'll keep the updates and results here. I have reactive T and H. The H is the worst for me because i can't do my normal life with it. Thank you.
  10. Frederico_23

    Progress on Pink Noise for Hyperacusis/Tinnitus

    Read this PDF for some guidelines....Noises below 85dcb can't harm ourselves. I also have H with reactive T which is horrible but I think if I isolate myself in silence... my tolerance gets worse and also my T. I guess this is a bit like (an analogy) a muscle strain... if you don't do nothing it...
  11. Frederico_23

    Flying, Anyone Had Issues?

    Use the bose noise cancelling headphones. The cancel the most of airplane noise and let your ears do the pressure compensation. Put some low volume music and relax.
  12. Frederico_23

    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More Novartis is doing this research... I think novartis is the second or third largest pharmaceutical company in the world. I think they for sure can break the hearind aids lobby. Because they know how...
  13. Frederico_23

    Otonomy Starting Phase 1 Trial in 2015 for Tinnitus

    Will have a billion dollar market. The world is noisier as ever, the young generation use and abuse of ipods, festivals discos. Life expectancy increases the rise of hearing loss market will grow a lot.
  14. Frederico_23

    Does Noise-Induced Tinnitus Become Worse Over the Years?

    yes... specially if you keep espouser yourself to more noise (more noise induced hearing loss)
  15. Frederico_23

    Hyperacusis on 20/20 TV In US

    I wish there were more hyperacusis/tinnitus documentaries on TV's worldwide... to raise awareness and also to protect people. If I knew what could happened if I wasn't careful with my ears i would have had much more care. And unfurtonately in the noisy world we live in... the ipod generation...