Recent content by From9to<1

  1. F


    Mine faded. It's completely gone.
  2. F

    I wasn't ignoring you, I didn't even know messages could be on the profile. Just happened across...

    I wasn't ignoring you, I didn't even know messages could be on the profile. Just happened across them. Truth is, I don't remember. Been a while now and I only come here every once in a while. It was less than a month though for sure. The chantix was longer (@6 months), and I continue on the...
  3. F

    Hi, and forgive the protracted response time, as I didn't even know messages could be left on a...

    Hi, and forgive the protracted response time, as I didn't even know messages could be left on a profile and just happened to see your message tonight. I honestly do not know what your particular results would be. Chantix acts differently that nicotine patches, as it binds to nicotine receptors...
  4. F

    New University of Michigan Tinnitus Discovery — Signal Timing

    You DO know he never actually said that, right? He was rather uneducated on the subject and was rambling in his musings. But liberals jumped on a quick, abridged version—much like how most rumors start. Liberals, being liberals, tend to believe what other liberals say without fact-checking. His...
  5. F

    Actual Long-Term Remission from Tinnitus Achieved

    Good argument: I took 1-3, then 4 and 5 later (and still). 1) Hydralazine 50 mg 2) Warfarin 5 mg 3) Hydroxyzine HCL 50 mg 4) Valsartan 160 mg 5) Chantix I hope this helps someone.
  6. F

    Is Paxlovid (Ritonavir/Nirmatrelvir) Ototoxic? Can It Make Tinnitus Worse?

    Paxlovid doesn't work that way. It's prescribed for people who have an increased risk of severe outcomes from COVID-19, and is only effective if you take it early, before it gets bad. If you take the "wait and see" approach... it's not effective. Taking Paxlovid if your COVID-19 is "very, very...
  7. F

    Actual Long-Term Remission from Tinnitus Achieved

    I had it for a year, it has been gone for about that now. Not "suddenly"... but literally within days of treatment. In the area of 20% per day over five days to resolution, after maybe a day or two of no change. Obviously I can't prove it's related in any other way than temporally, but it was...
  8. F

    Lenire — Bimodal Stimulation Treatment by Neuromod

    This did not age well... lol. It's an attempt at humor guys. Don't get mad at a little levity.
  9. F

    Absolutely possible. I went deaf from an explosion when I was young. It was a gun that exploded...

    Absolutely possible. I went deaf from an explosion when I was young. It was a gun that exploded. From the breech...right by my ear. Literally deaf and tinnitus as hearing came back. Whole process less than a week, all better. Probably youth. Doctor said tympanic membrane tightened to protect.
  10. F

    Sarah, Hi! and thanks for the post rating! Hope you are doing well.

    Sarah, Hi! and thanks for the post rating! Hope you are doing well.
  11. F

    Actual Long-Term Remission from Tinnitus Achieved

    That's awesome. I'm glad yours went away on its own. That's the best way! Not sure the way I did it would work for hyperacusis or noise-induced tinnitus anyway. I suspect micro-clots or blockage for me. Tinnitus is just so multi-factoral, multi-causal. It's like a fever in a way. We know...
  12. F

    Is a Sudden Increase in Transient Ear Noise Cause for Concern?

    This has always been a personal theory of mine... Also, partial blockage (micro-clot, cholesterol, etc.) which temporarily gets hung up.
  13. F

    If Tinnitus Always Goes Away During and After Exercise, What Does It Mean?

    Maybe there is a somatic element? The exercise loosens you up and relaxes a tight muscle impinging on a nerve (trigeminal, etc)? Shot in the dark.
  14. F

    Actual Long-Term Remission from Tinnitus Achieved

    Thanks for the correction. I was told just antihistamine. Maybe she was going off old information. At any rate, I should probably have checked the veracity prior to posting. Sorry, and thanks again for setting it straight. My intent (and BELIEVE ME, I know it wouldn't help most seasoned...