Recent content by Gary P

  1. Gary P

    Did Anyone Else Have Ear Fullness Last for Months After Acoustic Trauma?

    Stuffy at least in my case was the period of time while my brain adjusted to having decreased hearing level. Almost like a slight pressure but physically everything looks fine.
  2. Gary P

    Poll: Approximately How Often Do You Get Fleeting Tinnitus?

    I have a constant background, fairly loud, high pitch noise. Sometimes, cant find any regular interval or cause and effect, one ear gets an even louder, single tone that drowns out everything for maybe 10 seconds then drops back to normal level :(
  3. Gary P

    For Those Who Have Habituated... How Do You Control It?

    Having had it bad for over a decade now, I find that my brain 'forgets' about it sometimes. The trick is to never think about it because the second you do....right back to noticing its there. It was much easier years ago :(
  4. Gary P

    Lots of Musicians Are Sufferers of Tinnitus — Phil Collins Is One

    If anyone happens to be friends with a musician suffering from the big T, I'd be interested in having them review my product. I designed a mini amp called Booster with a 6dB bump centered at 1500 Hz to lift dialogue and help increase intelligibility. The ORBs themselves are VERY accurate and...
  5. Gary P

    Typical Concert dB Level

    Here in LA there is a huge underground scene. Dj events where it doesnt hit 110dB but you can bet it does for the kids standing right at the speakers.... I feel like telling people they are doing long term damage... I save that for the ones who notice my earplugs and say 'that's smart'...
  6. Gary P

    Does This Tone Alleviate Your Tinnitus?

    I've read that tinnitus sounds like 7800 Hz. Given it's nerves firing and not really hair cells moving it would be interesting to learn if an out of phase signal in that range can be dialed in for specific ringing.
  7. Gary P

    New to Tinnitus and Falling Into Depression

    New here myself. Having read many of the comments I too hope that whatever you have specifically might some day go away as mysteriously as it arrived. I find that the only thing working for me is to ignore it. Most of the time I don't notice mine even though it is pretty loud and ever...