Recent content by garywi

  1. garywi

    Gabapentin for Occipital Neuralgia — Should I Try It? Can It Make Tinnitus Worse?

    Hi Guys. I've had tinnitus for over 5 years. I have periodic flare-ups where the ringing is loud but then goes back down after a few weeks. I feel fortunate considering the stories I read on this board. In the last year I developed occipital neuralgia and the neurologist wants me to try...
  2. garywi

    Vitamin D3 and B12 Methylcobalamin — Is There Any Chance These Could Increase My Tinnitus?

    Hey Friends, my doc said I am low on D3 and B12 based on labs. Recommended supplements. Is there any evidence these could increase my tinnitus. I hate to experiment with supplements. Thanks.
  3. garywi

    Pillow for Side Sleepers

    Hey Lone Ranger. Can you explain more how to fold and sleep on your pillow. I need to sleep on my side while keeping both ears open. I think I should design a pillow for this purpose and become rich because I don't see one for sale anywhere..
  4. garywi

    Pillow for Side Sleepers

    Thanks Ed! I am depressed by it when I think to much about it. Right now, I fear going to bed at night..
  5. garywi

    Pillow for Side Sleepers

    I am struggling. Been at this for only 3 months. It feels like I will never be able to habituate to this. Discouraged today..
  6. garywi

    Pillow for Side Sleepers

    I am not finding that speaker pillow in the USA?
  7. garywi

    Pillow for Side Sleepers

    Thanks Ed. How do you sleep without masking?
  8. garywi

    Pillow for Side Sleepers

    Thanks Ed. Does the sound pillow work for you. Where did you get it..thanks
  9. garywi

    Pillow for Side Sleepers

    I have trouble sleeping on my side when my ear is blocked by my pillow, it can't hear the white noise generators. Has anyone found a pillow with a hole in the center that would let your hearing be open while you lay on your side and sleep? Or, how do you sleep on your side and still allow...
  10. garywi

    Desipramine and Imipramine — Tricyclic Antidepressants

    Anyone have problems with this and tinnitus? My ENT says these are not a problem. I keep reading Tricyclics are sometimes given to treat tinnitus. Thanks.
  11. garywi

    Eustachian Tube Dysfunction? Please Help...

    Afrin or Flonase ?
  12. garywi

    What Do You Use to Keep Eustachian Tubes Clear?

    How do you create the steam. Thank you
  13. garywi

    What Do You Use to Keep Eustachian Tubes Clear?

    Seems when my tubes clog up or close my ringing to louder. What over the counter med do you use on a regular basis to keep them clear and open? Flonase? Other? What is safe for the ear? Thanks!
  14. garywi

    Eustachian Tube Dysfunction? Please Help...

    I've had a couple days now where I can't sleep. My white noise generators in my bedroom cannot drown out the sound of the ringing in my left ear. Sometimes I seems like my Eustachian tubes keep closing and making the ringing seem louder. When this happens, it reminds me when I had excessive...
  15. garywi

    Keeping Ears Open During Allergy Season

    So nothing that hurts the ears?