Recent content by geg1992

  1. geg1992

    Has Anyone Recovered from Non-Severe Tinnitus?

    Looking back, mine was probably a 6-7 but because I was such a mess mentally, it made it seem like a 9-10. Now, I barely notice it unless I'm in a very quiet room and besides wearing earplugs in night clubs, my life is pretty much back to normal. Sometimes it bothers me but I realise it's...
  2. geg1992

    Malarone Anti-Malarial

    Hi all, Hope everyone is well! I haven't been on this forum for a long time. It really did save me at my worst times. I am at a point now that my tinnitus doesn't bother me at all. I think focusing on the tinnitus and protecting my self too much was what made it worse in the end. Anyway, I am...
  3. geg1992

    Who's Been to a Concert Since Having Tinnitus?

    Cheers mate! Yeah true but I think the bone conduction thing is looked into too much, I read that the skull attenuates 40db or something similar.
  4. geg1992

    Who's Been to a Concert Since Having Tinnitus?

    Yeah I can't see how any cinema could possibly be 130db. I've never known a cinema to be close to how loud the gig was. I agree regarding the phone apps. For the last year I've been thinking that 85db isn't very loud, when in reality it is! I was reading 90-95db in my car (although it is a...
  5. geg1992

    Who's Been to a Concert Since Having Tinnitus?

    I don't think the concert changed it at all :) I have noticed it a bit more the last couple of days but that's probably only as I've been monitoring it. It was the best concert I've ever been to but I'm sure there will be many opportunities in the future. :) Thank you! Hope you're okay! :)
  6. geg1992

    Are Ears More Vulnerable to Noise-Induced Damage When Infected?

    I wore those with ear defenders on top.
  7. geg1992

    Are Ears More Vulnerable to Noise-Induced Damage When Infected?

    It was mostly around 97-102db, and went up to 115ish when there were explosion things for effect. :) The earplugs and ear defenders worked well although didn't block out very much of the bass frequencies.
  8. geg1992

    Are Ears More Vulnerable to Noise-Induced Damage When Infected?

    Hi Zora. All went well and had a fantastic time. No real spike, maybe slightly louder but that's to be expected and I'm sure it will settle down. :)
  9. geg1992

    Who's Been to a Concert Since Having Tinnitus?

    Hi guys So I went to the gig last night, and fingers crossed - I appear to be completely fine. Yesterday was a very loud day too as a 2 hour drive to London and back, tubes, went to the West Ham football match too which was noisy and the concert! I wore both ear plugs and ear defenders...
  10. geg1992

    Are Ears More Vulnerable to Noise-Induced Damage When Infected?

    It's tonight, I'll let you know!
  11. geg1992

    Are Ears More Vulnerable to Noise-Induced Damage When Infected?

    Thanks for your input as always :) and j agree completely. There's two kinds of people with tinnitus, those who obsess and those who don't. Unfortunately I obsess too much. I'm taking a decibel meter so hopefully that will give me guidance. I really don't want to miss this, though. Even if it's...
  12. geg1992

    Who's Been to a Concert Since Having Tinnitus?

    My sound level meter arrived today "HT-80A" as linked above. I compared it to my iphone app. The iphone app said 78db for my music, the sound level meter only said 60db, could anyone advise? I'm worried as to what to trust tomorrow!! Thanks for any help.
  13. geg1992

    Are Ears More Vulnerable to Noise-Induced Damage When Infected?

    I'm going to my first concert tomorrow since T and I've had a bit of pain in my left ear which is worse when I lean down making me think it might be a bit infected. Will this put me at greater risk? I don't see how it could really but worth asking! Thanks for any help.
  14. geg1992

    Who's Been to a Concert Since Having Tinnitus?

    Thanks for your help, much appreciated. They seem to be even better!
  15. geg1992

    Who's Been to a Concert Since Having Tinnitus?

    Wow, that's great, thanks for the information! Bit worrying how little protection with the lower frequencies though :/ You don't happen to be able to source a similar table for HEAROS XTREME ear plugs do you? as they are the ones I normally use if I go clubbing or to bars. Cheers!