Recent content by GG_Ear

  1. GG_Ear

    I Consider Myself Healed from Reactive Tinnitus and Hyperacusis by Calming Down My Nervous System

    Yes, as a long-term sufferer of stress and anxiety, I often wonder if my brain and muscles are involved. I currently have reactive tinnitus, sound distortion, middle ear muscle dysfunction, and TMJD, all on my right side. It has been improving over time as I have gradually calmed down.
  2. GG_Ear

    Struggling with Setbacks: Seeking Hope for Recovery from Tinnitus, Reactive Tinnitus, and Hyperacusis

    You are not doomed. I have a baby, and even with that challenge, I have improved a lot over time by calming my nerves and being patient.
  3. GG_Ear

    Constantly Spiking Tinnitus — Bedsheets, My Own Movement, You Name It

    You are going to be okay. You just need to give it time and protect your ears from loud noise so that your brain can calm down. The noise from your bedsheets is not dangerous. Try to soothe your nerves (easier said than done, I know). What helps you relax? Is it reading a book, doing art or...
  4. GG_Ear

    Tinnitus Reacts to My Own Voice

    I have had a similar experience. If this is very recent for you, it might be worth considering steroids for sudden sensorineural hearing loss. My ENT explained that when there is a sudden loss, the brain can sometimes get confused and develop dysacusis. In my case, after about 12 to 18 months...
  5. GG_Ear

    My Hyperacusis Is Cured & I Barely Have Tinnitus Anymore

    Thank you so much for replying. It really gives me hope. I am about 18 months in now and have also seen a lot of improvement in some ways. I think time and avoiding excessive noise have worked wonders. Reducing my anxiety about it has also helped, though it has been very difficult, but it is...
  6. GG_Ear

    Yes my baby's loud cry/scream might have caused my recent new sound distortion. But it might...

    Yes my baby's loud cry/scream might have caused my recent new sound distortion. But it might have also been a recent injection to my jaw joint or else recent exposure to my partner having covid (some sort of immune response that caused hearing damage???)
  7. GG_Ear

    @snizzleberry I've had this for 1 year... improves when I stay away from loud noise... How did...

    @snizzleberry I've had this for 1 year... improves when I stay away from loud noise... How did you get it? Do you have ttts or jaw/neck problems?
  8. GG_Ear

    @PennyCat Do you have jaw/neck problems?

    @PennyCat Do you have jaw/neck problems?
  9. GG_Ear

    I'm planning to work more on my jaw and neck problems over the next couple of months to see if...

    I'm planning to work more on my jaw and neck problems over the next couple of months to see if helps my ear.
  10. GG_Ear

    @_Shoto_ Do you have jaw or neck issues?

    @_Shoto_ Do you have jaw or neck issues?
  11. GG_Ear

    Yeah I'm not surprised... they are very rare.

    Yeah I'm not surprised... they are very rare.
  12. GG_Ear

    Also have a feeling of pressure in my right ear and when I burp/hiccup there is an uncomfortable...

    Also have a feeling of pressure in my right ear and when I burp/hiccup there is an uncomfortable pushing sensation of air trapped inside it.
  13. GG_Ear

    Parts of speech and digital audio still sound like static buzz to me... literally feel like a...

    Parts of speech and digital audio still sound like static buzz to me... literally feel like a robot head now.
  14. GG_Ear

    @Zigs Still having problems with my ears though as soon as I try to go to louder places...

    @Zigs Still having problems with my ears though as soon as I try to go to louder places baby playgroups or cafes/restaurants without earplugs :( I cannot expose myself unprotected to cars on street either etc.
  15. GG_Ear

    It's actually not *over* the external sounds. The external sounds are perceived as a static. I...

    It's actually not *over* the external sounds. The external sounds are perceived as a static. I think it's a sound distortion. I did a hearing test and I have lost about 10-20db hearing in my right ear in higher frequencies... but doctors will not prescribe steroids because apparently the loss is...