Recent content by GrodanB

  1. GrodanB

    Two Tinnitus Worsenings within Four Days — Massive Setback in Overcoming Major Depression

    I was finally fully conscious during a worsening episode. For years, I never understood why I could never catch the moment it got worse—but now I know. The noise that worsens simply fades away for a minute or two, going completely silent. Then, it slowly creeps back, just slightly louder than...
  2. GrodanB

    Two Tinnitus Worsenings within Four Days — Massive Setback in Overcoming Major Depression

    I had the MRI done, but I was definitely not prepared for the so-called “earmuffs” they provided. They didn’t even cover my ears properly; they just sat on top, pushing my ears into my head and causing intense bone conduction. I ended up canceling the scan after what I guess was about three...
  3. GrodanB

    Chronic Auditory Hallucinations and Daily Tinnitus Worsenings

    Thank you! What a coincidence—I looked up MTHFR mutations about two weeks ago. I tried folic acid, and it made things worse almost immediately. Folic acid seems to cause problems for people with MTHFR mutations. I have also started taking large doses of B12 recently (3000 mcg of methylcobalamin...
  4. GrodanB

    Tinnitus Goes Quiet When I Apply Pressure on the Ears

    I actually found someone who also has Patulous Eustachian Tube Dysfunction (ETD) and can affect their tinnitus by interacting with their ear, just like I can. If this is the cause, I completely underestimated how dangerous ETD issues can be. I used to think of it as just an annoyance, but now I...
  5. GrodanB

    Two Tinnitus Worsenings within Four Days — Massive Setback in Overcoming Major Depression

    Thank you. I never thought I would get this far. I’m willing to bet it’s the same here. I am prepared to use whatever earmuffs they provide, as long as the SNR is acceptable.
  6. GrodanB

    Two Tinnitus Worsenings within Four Days — Massive Setback in Overcoming Major Depression

    I know, and I’ve avoided MRIs for this exact reason. However, my hearing has been consistently deteriorating for years, and at this point, nothing can convince me not to go through with it. I plan to use 34 dB SNR foam earplugs, with silicone putty earplugs on top, secured with tape, and wear...
  7. GrodanB

    Tinnitus Goes Quiet When I Apply Pressure on the Ears

    I have too many different noises to count, but two of them are completely unique compared to the rest, and I haven't found anyone else with a similar experience. There is one sound in each ear, and whenever one of them gets louder in one ear, the other one worsens within a few days, no matter...
  8. GrodanB

    Two Tinnitus Worsenings within Four Days — Massive Setback in Overcoming Major Depression

    I'm back. The tinnitus has doubled in volume, but somehow, through all of it, I’ve regained my will to live. I’ve had plenty of time to reflect and connect the dots as to why this is happening. It seems to be narrowed down to a few possible causes: nerve issues with my neck, hair cell damage...
  9. GrodanB

    Two Tinnitus Worsenings within Four Days — Massive Setback in Overcoming Major Depression

    I came back wanting to give an update. If you dislike negativity, don't read it. My tinnitus is still worsening every day; new tones, frequencies, worsened pre-existing noises. A low hum has completely taken over my head and consciousness, it is deafening. It sounds just as loud whether I cover...
  10. GrodanB

    Chronic Auditory Hallucinations and Daily Tinnitus Worsenings

    I have wanted to try LDN for a while, but I suspect it won't be easy to get. They refused to give me Prednisone last time I experienced acoustic trauma. They would most likely reject me. It could be anything causing the tinnitus worsenings which is why I'm constantly trying to find the...
  11. GrodanB

    Chronic Auditory Hallucinations and Daily Tinnitus Worsenings

    I almost broke into a fight today trying to convince a "clinical nurse specialist" how many health conditions other than noise can cause or worsen tinnitus. Like, aren't autoimmune disorders a common cause of tinnitus?! I brought up Hashimoto's disease specifically. I'm gonna lose my mind, they...
  12. GrodanB

    Tinnitus was suprisingly calm this morning, same loud tones blasting away but the quieter noises...

    Tinnitus was suprisingly calm this morning, same loud tones blasting away but the quieter noises were more in the background. I'll take it.
  13. GrodanB

    Chronic Auditory Hallucinations and Daily Tinnitus Worsenings

    I have a new super loud electronic morse code noise in my right ear. It showed up a few days ago for a couple of seconds every morning but now it went from a 1 to a 9 and it's constant. It keeps waking me up. Is it from my new diet? I have cut out all sugar and refined carbs to see how it would...
  14. GrodanB

    Chronic Auditory Hallucinations and Daily Tinnitus Worsenings

    I have had neither actually, getting help for anything where i live takes ages especially if it isn't an "obvious medical emergency" according to the doctors. Whenever i brought up suspicions with ENT specialists and psychiatrists they just look at me weird and tell me "Im worring too much"...
  15. GrodanB

    Chronic Auditory Hallucinations and Daily Tinnitus Worsenings

    These new tones have no mercy, I can't mask them. I have been in disbelief trying to "mask" the noise without causing too much pain. They sound JUST as loud whether my table fan is on or not, no other tinnitus noise I have is like this. It almost feels pulsatile-ish, quick loud burst, goes...