Recent content by Happy_

  1. Happy_

    Intermittent Fasting for Tinnitus Relief

    I'm fasting for Ramadan right now, 20+ hours a day. I can't feel a difference for good in my tinnitus at all, it just goes crazy sometimes and becomes really loud for 5-10 minutes, but that happens normally too.
  2. Happy_

    Best Invisible Earplugs?

    For when I go to a loud place, like the cinema, bar or even the gym. I don’t wear them all the time.
  3. Happy_

    Best Invisible Earplugs?

    I haven't found any "invisible" ear plugs, but bought these transparent ones and they are perfect for me. I have them on me all the time in a very small container. The further you put them in the more it protects you, but then you can't hear anything, so I don't push them that far in, and I can...
  4. Happy_

    Is My Tinnitus Permanent? What Do I Do? I Can't Enjoy Anything

    I'm sorry to hear about your experience with the nurse. My only tip right now is to try to not focus on it as much as you can, and take a break from using headphones for a while and see if anything changes. I can't tell you if this will be permanent or not, depends on many factors, I do not...
  5. Happy_

    Country Music Thread

  6. Happy_

    What Movies Have You Watched More Than Once?

    Forrest Gump
  7. Happy_

    Poll: Was Your Tinnitus LOUDER at Onset Than It Is Now?

    For me it was way louder last year and it started to get lower last month, mostly at night when I lay in bed in complete silence.
  8. Happy_

    Any Online Game Players?

    I play on PC. I also have GTA V, haven't touched it ages, but would be fun to check it out again. I stopped playing it because someone gave me a billion dollars and it became boring lol. I used to be a try hard at CSGO and Rainbow Six Siege (got stuck in plat every time because I always solo...
  9. Happy_

    What Sports Do You Do?

    Brazilian Jui Jitsu and I go to the gym a couple of times a week.
  10. Happy_

    How and Why Did You Choose Your Username?

    Happy has always been my go to name because it's my Arabic name in English.
  11. Happy_

    Hello Everyone :) Tinnitus from Loud Parties/Clubs (Worsened from Listening to Headphones Too Loud)

    I'm protecting as much as I can now. I don't listen to anything on headphones outside the house anymore, including the gym. I bought myself a good pair of ear plugs on Amazon, not the cheap ones :p I use them whenever it gets noisy outside and when I go to the movies, and it really helps. At...
  12. Happy_

    Hello Everyone :) Tinnitus from Loud Parties/Clubs (Worsened from Listening to Headphones Too Loud)

    Hi I just found this place, and it's nice to have a place where I know everyone else shares some of my struggles. I'm not sure when my tinnitus began, because I just recently even noticed and understood that this noise in my ears is not normal... If I had to guess, I think it started late 2017...