Recent content by hendog80

  1. hendog80

    New to This Condition

    Thanks MikeL1972, No, I was not around anything loud the morning it happened. It just came on out of nowhere. No stress, good health, nothing. It's annoying in the day, but at night, it seems to come on strong until I turn off my fan and music. After that I have to concentrate to really hear it...
  2. hendog80

    The Positivity Thread

    Hello everyone, I'm new to the Tinnitus world (three weeks) and although it's not pleasant at all, I've started fighting to live a full and productive life with this. Yes, I've been down, but I'm trying to accept this without feeling sorry for myself or blaming myself. I do need support and in...
  3. hendog80

    New to This Condition

    Good day everyone, I am new to the tinnitus world and it is very disheartening that this has happened. I'm not understanding what's going on, until I get to an ENT in February. This came on out of nowhere. I was in bed a few weeks ago and my left ear starting ringing. I've had spikes, especially...