Recent content by hey

  1. H

    Electrical Stimulation of the Cochlea for Treatment of Chronic Disabling Tinnitus

    @Fields, hey, if you feel like it is not too bad and you are managing to get through each day, then I would not suggest doing the clinical trial. If you have any questions about the procedure, you can email them. I am sure they will get back to you. They answered me within a day.
  2. H

    Electrical Stimulation of the Cochlea for Treatment of Chronic Disabling Tinnitus

    I reached out to the researchers about participating in the trials, but you have to live in Belgium or the Netherlands to be eligible, which ruled me out. If any members are from those countries, they mentioned that they are still recruiting, in case you are interested in joining.
  3. H

    Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) for Tinnitus

    Thanks for the reply, @Nick47. I really appreciate it, and I will donate to the campaign. Tinnitus Quest is our best chance at a real treatment.
  4. H

    TNF Alpha and Brain Inflammation

    I tried participating in this clinical trial around March of 2024. When I met the team, they wanted me to do tinnitus masking as part of the trial, but I couldn’t go through with it. The nurse who was there told me the trial would take three years to complete, plus another six months to gather...
  5. H

    Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) for Tinnitus

    I recently emailed Dr. Steven Cheung about the possibility of using deep brain stimulation off label for patients who are willing to try it. He replied that he is currently trying to secure funding for a Phase 2 trial, which, if everything goes as planned, is expected to begin in the fall of...
  6. H

    9-Year-Old Girl with Pain Hyperacusis and Tinnitus Trying to Raise Awareness

    Ella’s journey with rare condition hyperacusis This is a news article about a 9-year-old girl with hyperacusis and tinnitus who is trying to raise awareness about the condition. In the article, she mentions that her ears sometimes actually bleed. My heart goes out to her and her family...
  7. H

    Research on the Origins of Hyperacusis and Potential Future Cochlear Imaging

    This is a video featuring the lead researcher of the study. He comes across as a very good person and seems optimistic about the future of this research. In the video, he mentions that one of the next steps is to test whether any existing drugs can address the issue with the efferent nerves...
  8. H

    Introducing Tinnitus Quest

    This is great to see. Hopefully, we can do more of these.
  9. H

    Introducing Tinnitus Quest

    Thank you all for making this possible. This is exactly what our community needed. @Markku and @Hazel, thank you for everything you do.