Recent content by Hiss

  1. H

    Hello, New Here But Not New to Tinnitus

    No speakers do too but headphones are much worse.
  2. H

    Hello, New Here But Not New to Tinnitus

    Hi James , I dont own any headphones anymore. I used to own a pair of ultrasone headphones but i sold them because they kept triggering my tinnitus. So if i were to buy a pair of studio headphones what type would be less likely to trigger my tinnitus? Im just recording guitar and vocals so maybe...
  3. H

    Hello, New Here But Not New to Tinnitus

    Hi , thanks for your reply i have the cheap ones too and will buy the custom made ones soon.
  4. H

    Success Stories?? Tell Me It Gets Better PLS!

    Hi Jade , how are you coping so far? I just wanted to tell you that i damaged my hearing six years ago but over time it has gone away. It only bothers me now when i dont get any sleep or when i use headphones. Im sure your tinnitus will fade away like mine did in time.
  5. H

    Hello, New Here But Not New to Tinnitus

    Hi , i damadged my my hearing in my right ear with an ipod in 2006. I had terrible tinnitus for about 8 months but over time it slowly went away. What i discovered later was that it didnt really go away it is still there under the surface if you know what i mean. It will come back when i listen...