Recent content by historicalagency

  1. historicalagency

    New Tones All the Time?

    That's good news. I find that when I ignore my new tones sometimes they actually go away for awhile, or forever. But some just seem to stick around. I will say the ones that stick around are the ones I initially fixate on because of external stressors. I wonder if this is all just a matter of...
  2. historicalagency

    New Tones All the Time?

    It's not a matter of comes and goes. It's new noises, new tones that are 100% constant, just like the rest of my tinnitus.
  3. historicalagency

    New Tones All the Time?

    I'm at a loss. My tinnitus has only gotten worse over time, it seems like I get new tones every 3-6 months. Why is this happening? Why would tinnitus get progressively worse? Even if I ignore it, even if I de-stress, I still get NEW noises altogether. It seems like a lot of people get...
  4. historicalagency

    Is This Hyperacusis or Reactive Tinnitus?

    We seem to have the same exact type of T... I’ve had a ton of sounds come and go, there’s always been a baseline hiss which at this point id kill to have back as my only sound. But that ZING that competes with all noise is the one i truly can’t deal with. I was just in my car in silence and it...
  5. historicalagency

    Is This Hyperacusis?

    So I got tinnitus about two and a half years ago. I had habituated pretty successfully last September -- I am an academic, and I was able to read and work in silent rooms with my tinnitus, which at first was a very loud distressing constant hissing. I even had more tones like crickets and a...
  6. historicalagency

    Severe Multi Tone Tinnitus — Looking for Support and Curious!

    Hi all. I guess I am looking for some support -- I have, I suppose, severe tinnitus with multiple tones -- like, 15-20 at any given time. The two "main" tones are that super common HIGH pitched electrical noise that fluctuates like eEEeeeEe in my left ear, and a pure tone of about 900hz in my...
  7. historicalagency

    Tinnitus Finally Landed Me in the Psych Ward

    I could use some support or stories of success with SEVERE tinnitus. My story starts with a moderate hissing noise in my left ear I woke up with during the time I was being diagnosed with PTSD. After loads of tests I have perfect hearing and I have mild TMJ and I assume my head and neck...
  8. historicalagency

    One Year Anniversary — "Gifted" with a New Sound

    @Makrohn Yep, pretty much same exact thing that happened to me :'( I am in Canada at the moment. You? Have you found any medical help at all? I'm kind of thinking it's muscle/TMJ related but no doctors have been able to help at all, really.
  9. historicalagency

    One Year Anniversary — "Gifted" with a New Sound

    Hey -- I have a similar situation. I was pretty much habituated in September, and then late September I had like, 2 new sounds that really sent me on a downward spiral. I have the exact same eeEEEEeeeEEEEeeeeEEE that you describe -- sometimes it stops abruptly for like, .5 seconds, and then...
  10. historicalagency

    I Can't Deal with This One. Is This Pulsatile Tinnitus?

    @GregCA I recently had a hearing test -- absolutely no hearing loss, my hearing is almost perfect. I am going to shell out 400 dollars to see a TMJ specialist on Wednesday even though I can't afford it because my jaw has been clicking since the T started and I also have had bruxism my whole...
  11. historicalagency

    I Can't Deal with This One. Is This Pulsatile Tinnitus?

    I don't know what to do. I cry every day. I avoid social interaction and people. I am thinking of dropping out of graduate school and withdrawing from everything I do. I think about dying every day. I want to be dead. I would rather be dead than have this. I had a hissing sound in my left ear...
  12. historicalagency

    Clicking Sounds When Popping Ears?

    Hi everyone, I guess I'm at a point where I'm realizing my tinnitus is related to something that's probably been happening for a really long time. My main question is related to a really specific sensation I get when I half-pop my ears: you know when you open your jaw and you pop your ears...
  13. historicalagency

    Radio Dial Noise That Constantly Changes

    Hi all, I'm having a rough time here. I have always had a hissing in my left ear, and I pretty much had habituated to it. But, I now have this constantly fluctuating EEEEEEE hissing noise that goes up and down constantly, like every 3-4 seconds, like someone turning a radio dial. I was...
  14. historicalagency

    Trying to Cope, Needing Support Desperately

    Hi all, I have had tinnitus since about March 2016, so I guess like a year and a half. It happened after a show, but also at the peak of my onset of PTSD. Since then, I've had certain tones come and go, but my constant has been a hissing in the left ear. After about a year, I finally pretty...