Recent content by JamesWalker95

  1. J

    I Think I May Have Tinnitus...

    After getting dumb upset last night, I have spent the whole day not minding my tinnitus at all. I haven't even got upset once. I think I've found an optimism and that if it's gonna stick around, that's that and I'm gonna have to learn to live with it. And I'm happy about this because if that's...
  2. J

    I Think I May Have Tinnitus...

    Thanks for the responses guys, I've been quite upset again about it all day today, it's especially getting to me whilst I'm at work, I can't concentrate on anything and the thought of it being permanent literally makes me spontaneously burst into tears, or near enough in front of co-workers...
  3. J

    I Think I May Have Tinnitus...

    Thanks guys, looks like I'll cancel my syringing appointment. Definitely don't want this to get any worse. I'll see if I can look at it getting manually done. Trying to tell myself that this will just be a temporary thing but at the moment it's pretty difficult to stay positive... EDIT: Do you...
  4. J

    I Think I May Have Tinnitus...

    Hi guys, nice to meet you all. I'm posting this because since Sunday night (3 days ago) I've had an extremely high pitched frequency type noise in my right ear, and I'm worried that I may have tinnitus. On Saturday I was out at a club (which I rarely ever go to) and I'm starting to think that...