Recent content by Jchill

  1. Jchill

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    I ve heard they were going to publish microtransponder´s results this spring, it seems that it really works for some people
  2. Jchill

    Gay People with Tinnitus?

    yeah, sup
  3. Jchill

    Favourite Video Games?

    best ever : D2 currently playing Hots, Hs and D3
  4. Jchill

    rTMS for Depression and Chronic Tinnitus

    I think there is indeed hope for an effective treatment, we might see one in less than 10 years, even failures lead the science to the right path, It´s nice to see that this treatment is aimed to chronic sufferers and it looks like it really works and can be still improved.
  5. Jchill

    Can Minoxidil Make Tinnitus Better?

    Hello, I am already habituated to the loudness of my tinnitus and have been seriously protecting my ears and avoiding very loud environments. I know a person who recently started using Minoxidil for hair loss, and it has given him great results. I wanted to use it to cover my patchy beard as I...
  6. Jchill

    Gaming Headsets, Which Do You Use After Tinnitus?

    For gaming I put my headphones at the top of my ears so loud sounds will not go directly into my ear, for music I have some high end earphones but I found earpods to be the most comfortable.
  7. Jchill

    Hello, and

    it really gets better, the first 6 months were really horrible but you will get used to it at some point. Protect your ears.