Recent content by Jeff M.

  1. Jeff M.

    Hi Billie, Long time to talk. I've been on hiatus. How are you?

    Hi Billie, Long time to talk. I've been on hiatus. How are you?
  2. Jeff M.

    New Here and Tinnitus Is Driving Me Nuts!

    Welcome Alicia!! and wishing you rapid recovery and peace! You're gonna be OK!! Live for today and don'y trip on tomorrow. Get your sleep on!! Blessings to you!
  3. Jeff M.

    To People with New Onset of Tinnitus

    I am encouraged by all the dialogue on this post! And thankful to @Erin1997 for posting this! As a fairly long term veteran of severe chronic tinnitus, one who has gone thru the valley of death, and suffered, I can only give MY testimony. And that is that I have (many will ate me to say this)...
  4. Jeff M.

    A Newbie in a Strange Land

    Autumn, welcome here (although I certainly wish you were not!! ;))!! This is a good place for support, information, and encouragement. Listen to @Taylorslay , good stuff!! How long have you had T?? Time is your friend. I am 5 years into my journey with severe tinnitus and I am habituated, and...
  5. Jeff M.

    5 Months Later, Life Still Sucks

    @zkdr , It sucks man, I get it for sure!! The first 6-8 months are gnarly!! I call it the Danger Zone. Your brain is working to adapt to this new thing going on, and it's confusing and scary and maddening!! BUT as others have shared, with effort and desire you WILL overcome man! I did, and...
  6. Jeff M.


  7. Jeff M.


    Thanx @Bobbie7 !! right back at ya! @dpdx & @Bill Bauer , my tinnitus has not faded or gone away but I have habituated to it. Never thought it was possible but it happened. I still hate it but I don't let it own me.
  8. Jeff M.


    Hey Guys, So when Tinnitus hit me out of the blue on Oct 12 2012, it rocked my world!! Seriously effed me up. No sleep, anxiety, depression, went out of my mind!!! The first year was pure hell. My severe idiopathic Tinnitus is off the chart. Still screaming even at this moment! Anyhow, what...
  9. Jeff M.


    Hey guys, simple message here. There is HOPE!! I have overcome tinnitus and you will too. It's not easy but it's real and possible! Hang in there and fight. I'm on the other side and you will be soon!!
  10. Jeff M.

    Hey Tjeerd. I sent you a direct message.

    Hey Tjeerd. I sent you a direct message.
  11. Jeff M.

    Is Habituation Real?

    Yup, it's a real thing! Never thought it was possible in the beginning, But with effort and desire to overcome, it happened! There's hope!! :):rockingbanana:
  12. Jeff M.

    Newly Diagnosed in San Diego

    Hi Connie!! Like @Honey_Bee I'm in SD too. It's good to read that you seem like you're doing well. Believe me I know how hard it is. I'm almost 5 years into it and still have T, but I have habituated to it. And you will too! Stoked to see that you're here on tinnitus talk. There's lots of good...
  13. Jeff M.

    Another Option for Me — Suicide

    Hey man, I am being straight up honest with you, not blowing smoke!! I was in the depth of pure hell and got thru. It's possible! It takes desire, effort, and support, but it's totally achievable!!!
  14. Jeff M.

    Another Option for Me — Suicide

    @Paulmanlike Dude, seriously STFU!!! and I mean that in the most loving and understanding way bro! I, as most who have replied to you and are here on TT have gone thru similar gnarly sh*# as you are! It totally and completely sucks!! I get it, we get it!!! I ended up in the ER twice because I...
  15. Jeff M.

    Newcomer to the Forums and Tinnitus

    Hey @AlexM ! Bummed to hear you are struggling! It sucks for sure! Great advice has already been shared with you on this thread from everyone. Listen to @billie48 , he's the guru! Anyhow, my two cents is to live in the moment. Own the moment. Don't let T own the moment. Look into Mindfullness...