Recent content by Jessica Moore

  1. Jessica Moore

    Thumping in the Right Ear

    I developed thumping in right ear about 1 month ago- came one day for short time and gone for about 3 weeks. Recently getting it more often- ENT has no answers- It doesnt hurt but so annoying and hard to sleep- Got regular dr to write script for Klonopin since ENT wouldn't. I had it bad...
  2. Jessica Moore

    For Those with Middle Ear Myoclonus...

    I had thumping in right ear on and off all day today- started a few weeks ago after not having it for 12 years- always after a yawn or stretch or hiccup etc.. I thought I was the only one with these issues- I also suffer from tinnitus and positional vertigo- I wonder if everyone with this...
  3. Jessica Moore

    Thumping in Right Ear

    Hi Everyone, I developed tinnitus when I was about 20 years old and positional vertigo a few years later. After 35 years I am still suffering with ear issues. The tinnitus is tolerable and the Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo comes and goes but finally after 20 years found a doctor who...