Recent content by jewellanne1010

  1. jewellanne1010

    Different Types of Tinnitus and Duration?

    I got T from inner ear barotrauma have had it for 15 years
  2. jewellanne1010

    Can Menopause Make Tinnitus Worse?

    Thank you so much
  3. jewellanne1010

    How Much Is Too Much Rest?

    I have had t for 15 years to thought I had it licked. But it came back with full vengence why I don't know. Back to the old anxiety again its like starting back at the very beginning. I use klonopin for the anxiety and music with the ear phones on low through out the day. I'm hoping in time...
  4. jewellanne1010

    Wellbutrin and Tinnitus?

    Well I'm full of questions tonight has any one had any luck with this drug for depression or does it make t worse
  5. jewellanne1010

    Can Menopause Make Tinnitus Worse?

    Wow here I am turning 50 and I believe I am going through it the big menapause my t has been very overactive these past 4 months and 15 Years ago I thought I had it under control. Anxiety thru the roof any feed back helpful
  6. jewellanne1010


    Stay strong u r in my prayers
  7. jewellanne1010

    If One More Person Tells Me to Tune It Out and Listen to the Tinnitus I Will Scream!

    Wow that is seriously really cold! ! All of us on this board have a stong mind it might get a little weak at times but we are survivors.
  8. jewellanne1010

    Do You Hear Your Tinnitus on Your Pillow?

    Ughhh yea I take klonopin to help me sleep if I do wake up I pretend its the 4th of july anf I hear the little sounds of fire crackers going off in my head
  9. jewellanne1010

    I Have Hit Rock Bottom :(

    Hi maddy so glad you found this forum it has been a God send to me. Take the advice given and run with it. There is light at the ef of the tunnell. If I may say if you have a bible read the psalms it helps me
  10. jewellanne1010

    What Do You THINK Is Causing Your Tinnitus?

    Inner ear barotrauma
  11. jewellanne1010

    Waking Up with Tinnitus

    Yes me to I have good mornings and bad. When the T starts I get hot flashes and sick of my stomach I want to run away from the noise but can't. I put on relaxing music take a shower or bath go for a walk and say a lot of prayers. Keeping busy for me is the key
  12. jewellanne1010

    The Positives of Tinnitus

    Wow thats awesome
  13. jewellanne1010

    Terrified. Please help.

    Hang in there kevin from carolina you are young which I think is a benefit. Keep the faith you could wake up tomorrow and it could be gone.